Saturday, December 27, 2014

Re: Kathy AmiDumb

FYI: Kathy Amidon, for all of her sacrifice and suffering, deserves to be followed on Twitter. Since the "Liberal Twitter Trolls" (7, sometimes 8, of us) got her account with THOUSANDS of loyal followers suspended permanently it's Follow Fire Ant February! What's the goal? 30k Followers by 1 March 2015!

If you ask me, I say block the bitch. She got suspended for Harassment & Abuse on 12 or 13 accounts. One would THINK that out of THOUSANDS of loyal followers, more than 400 would be so happy to see her back she wouldn't have to BEG, PLEAD and GROVEL (it's embarassing) to get her numbers up. [See the UPDATE at the bottom of this Blog.]


Disclaimer: I have NEVER MET @TPFA_KathyA_1 nor do I claim to, and/or want to "know" her...What I do "know" of #TPFA'midon is nothing short of pathetic.

However, MANY of my dear friends DID know her, and IMO, that's what pisses her off the most.

Do I "stalk" her? No. Do I know where she lives? Yes, only because of the aforementioned friendships.

Does she "stalk" me? Hmm...She's gone so far as to track down my parents and in late Nov. she called my dad claiming to be a "Congressional Advisor" doing an "investigation" into [my] illegal Twitter activity. She proceeded to "verify" my home address, my NAME (she's always been obsessed with my NAME [!] yes, it's really "Snow-White") and TAX ROLL INFORMATION regarding my Condo. Additionally, she didn't block her number AND she gave her Amidumb name then bragged on Twitter about how she "legally" recorded the conversation from TN (1-party consent) TO CA (all-party consent).

Have I called her? Yes. I told her who her Twitter ManWhore (@FrankMDavisJR, @TP_Fire_Ants & @StampOutTrolls) is in real life... Birther-whack, John Rogers Cashill, aka Jack Cashill, John F. Dean, et al. I told her that (even though he was, obviously NOT a practicing, Catholic) he was NOT going to leave his cash-cow wife, and the Dean-family-money to "take care" of her. I also told her that while it may be "Legal" with regards to PayPal's TOS, for her to solicit "Donations" (PayPal doesn't give a shit, they get their cut of every transaction) it was her LEGAL responsibility to notify the TN Attorney General's office and file taxes on any "donations" she receives as it is her INCOME. I also told her that if she didn't - I would and I did.

Yes, I donated my $0.02 which they promptly returned (get it, my $0.02 worth [?] sometimes I crack myself up [!]), then again on 31 Oct. 2014 I donated $2 after Jack put up a GoDaddy hosted website and then another one that appears to run off a private server (most likely wnd w/out their knowledge OR approval) so it keeps them protected from receiving any complaints they may get for misuse and/or copyright infringement.

Why did I donate to the ToiletPaperFARTrANTS? Because once you make a donation whether it be to a legit tax-emempt 501(c)(3) OR a fraudulent "company" like stampouttrolls (how stupid is that name [?] #JustSayin') you can request Financials. When requested they are legally obligated to provide the requested information within 30 days. With a legit 501(c)(3) it's a simple IRS Form-990, with a fraudulent "company" like teapartyfireants, it's a simple Income & Expense statement that can be sent via eMail.

So the bitch has all my info, gave her my telephone number many months ago & I've spoken to Cashill on several occasions, but instead of simply providing the requested info the psycho calls my 80 y/o dad. Then she goes OFF, to herself, that "I" filed a false claim with PayPal!

So let me get this straight:
  • I make a donation;
  • She accepts the donation;
  • I request a report that I'm legally entitled to;
  • She ignores the request
  • I file a claim with PayPal to get my $2 back;
  • They DENIED the refund request (for $2) because I initiated the transaction;
  • She cries, whines and Tweets to herself that I filed a false claim and "Law Enforcement" will soon be knocking on my door; 
  • A couple days AFTER she called my dad, she refunds the $2 donation;
  • Now she's keep Congress and her attorneys informed the Law Enforcement is watching ME!;
  • It's fun for Jack Cashill, as Proe, to watch me squirm (#whaat?).
First, no one is going to knock on my door you idiot-dipShitz, I would get a phone call first then a letter, if I fail to provide the requested information which would be ?? you tell me ?? then I get a subpoena. You ants can "say" whatever you want, that doesn't make it true however, it does make you look uber-stupid[er], if that's even possible. But hey, bring it on bitches! I don't even have porn on my laptop, I'm guessing Cashill can't say the same[gay☭porn]thing.

Who's stalking who?

Who, after talking to my dad, THANKS me for confirming it was my dad and accuses me of "Felony Identity Fraud?" Again with my name Amidumb? Who threatened who with LE knocking on my door because of a "resolved" PayPal transaction? Who called my 80 y/o dad after tracking him down, GOD KNOWS HOW? (Seriously, GOOGLE: Kristen Snow-White... I can guaran-damn-tee you'll get 100's of 1,000's of results! For KRISTEN STEWART and SNOW WHITE: The HUNTSMAN!) Who says I have left her MANY "threatening" voicemail's but refuses to post them to "defend her reputation?" Who says she is working as a "Congressional Advisor" and she has the eMails to PROVE IT? Where's her "Letter of Thanks" from Chairman Smith's office, she and 'Proe' post the tired, old "Thank You" from Rep. Wolf's office, one would think that bringing down an ordinary citizen who's abusing Twitter to get HER suspended would warrant at LEAST a BIG-ass slab of #WTG with a side of kudos!
First she called my dad...
...Now she called me and NOT my dad.
I invited her to post my voicemails AND her convo with my dad (my personal info snipped out), that apparently now she didn't have, but has she? No. Probably because the first one was in my best sticky-sickeningly-sweet phone voice with the down-low on her Twitter Man-Whore. The second, because I told her I was recording it, said her phone number, for the record, and...then she called me. She leaves THAT part out, but I have her voicemail, when I called her back A-GAIN it went to voicemail - I told her I was recording, gave her phone number, for the record, and told the bitch to grow a pair and CALL ME if she had questions and NOT my 80 y/o dad...he's a little OLD for her AND he's married to my MOM. Does THAT sound like a "threat?" IMO, not to a "normal" person... However, I do question if she went off her meds and has obviously defied the individual mandate for BarryCare, thinking her pResident will write her a pardon...

I'm blogging this because the bitch blocked me on Twitter, but she still THREATENS me on a daily basis. Obviously I have MORE to say than would fit in an ordinary Tweet with only140-fond-characters to work with


If the UNADULTERATED, UNEDITED TRUTH is "unprovoked defamation," then slap me naked and call me "GUILTY-AS-CHARGED!" Oh, that wnd "article" she references is a steaming pile of yellow-journalism and she's aware, but chooses to INGORE that simple #FACT-oid. 

Her desperation to be noticed & relevant is really quite pathetic.

There are many more entertaining Blogs here for you to peruse.

But first: The dog in her avi? She was sponging off of a dear friend of mine after she left her husband (RC) for her special friend, Jack. She couldn't keep it because the yard wasn't fenced in. So, she took that precious dog "for a ride" and left it with some elderly women who were knowingly incapable of caring for it. When she found out it was dead, she hadn't seen it in MONTHS but cried for DAYS. Once again, Kathy Amidumb, the poor victim, not the DOG that she left alone, it was all about her!

I don't hate many things. However, over the past year - yes, Amidumb it's only been 1 YEAR - this stone-cold, lying bitch and her married Twitter ManWhore-#JACKassHILL now occupy 2 of the empty spaces under Barry Hussein.

Addendum: Jack Cashill IS "Proe Graphique" (@TP_Fire_Ants, @StampOutTrolls, formerly @FrankMDavisJR on Twitter) PROOF:

UPDATE: A couple of days ago it was announced that Kris Paronto, one of the Benghazi survivors and co-author of the outstanding book, "13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi" will be going on The Benghazi Truth Tour beginning 17 February 2015. Now the misinformed FireAnt is calling everyone who mentions it a "Liberal Troll" because according to "Congress" there are "30 survivors NOT 3"... Mhmm...and?
What are we going to do tonight, Brain?
Same thing we every night Pinkey, try and take over the TwitterWorld!

Let's start with Michelle Malkin, 'cuz she really gives a shit what the ants have to say:

TROLLS by definition, highjack a conversation with something
totally off-topic while trying to stir the shit-pot. #EPIC #FAIL
Michelle Malkin = 117 RT's
ToiletPaperFartrAnts = Zero 
Seriously Amidon, if you had the pea-brain of a hummingbird you'd be dangerous.

©2015 kcSW
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kris Kobach is the most accomplished Secretary of State Kansas has ever had.

Good morning everyone!
First of all, the Kansas City Star has endorsed Jean Schodorf. (This really is no surprise! Liberal media at its best!)

Can you take a few minutes to comment on the article or the Face Book page in support of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach?

We really need to make the readers aware of all of the accomplishments that Kris has made since he has taken office. The fact is that Secretary Kobach has accomplished more in the last four years than any other Secretary of State in Kansas history!

Here is their Face Book page:
(You will have to scroll down a little find the article to comment on it.)

On to more fun news!

Today we have a joint super walk in Johnson County.

There will be a morning and an afternoon shift. Feel free to come for one or if you are feeling motivated come for both! :) Lunch will be provided in between shifts.

Morning shift: 9:30-12:00
Afternoon shift: 1:00-3:30
Johnson County Republican Party
12651 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, Kansas 66213
Saturday evening there is a Conservative Revival in Gardner!
Kris will be speaking at 8:15 PM.
The event starts at 4:00 PM and ends around 9:00 PM.

Johnson County Fair Grounds
Gardner, KS
Thank you for your support for the Secretary of State! 

Please make sure to comment on the article!

We hope to see you at the upcoming events!


October 10, 2014
Contact: Taylor Budowich
916-529-7651 or
Tea Party Unity Press Conference MONDAY w/ Senator Pat Roberts:
**Tea Party Express to Make Major Announcement**
Sacramento, CA - Tea Party Express, the nation's largest Tea Party political action committee, is planning to make a major announcement in the Kansas U.S. Senate race. The press conference will be attended by Senator Pat Roberts, along with local Tea Party leaders and activists.
WHO: Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich, Senator Pat Roberts, & local Tea Party leaders and activists
WHEN: Monday, October 13th at 11:00AM CT 
WHERE: Sedgwick County GOP HQ, 9414 W. Central Ave, Wichita, KS 67212


The Kansas Roberts race is mentioned prominently in this video fromWednesday's Hannity program with pollster Frank Luntz. 
See KS mentioned at 3.40 min. and again at the 7.57 min. mark. Pollster Luntz says that EVERYTHING, pertaining to gaining a Republican majority in the Senate, IS UP TO KANSAS VOTERS!  

Transcript below. 3 key photos below that.
"But Sean, your viewers need to follow one other state, which is Kansas."
"This is the most vulnerable Republican in the country. Pat Roberts... Roberts has even been losing Republicans. And, what I don't know if Kansas understands, is THAT THEY COULD ACTUALLY GIVE BARACK OBAMA HIS MAJORITY IN THE SENATE if they throw Pat Roberts out!"
Hannity:" Orman is an Independent. They asked the Democrat to bow out of the race. He wouldn't even say until recently who he would caucus with. We all know it would be the Democrats. So, he's a bit of a Democratic plant. He's been avoiding taking any tough positions, even on the Keystone pipeline. I'm surprised that Roberts is in that kind of trouble, but you're right he is".

At the end of the Hannity-Luntz exchange they came back to the subject of Roberts. Luntz very seriously stated:

"It's up to Republican voters in 
Kansas to determine whether Barack Obama will have a Democratic Senate--They need to take that to heart!"

Also see the following 3 photos, where one of the two abortion clinics in Overland Park, KS has Greg Orman for Senate campaign signs in their windows.


Help Elect Pro-life Candidates

This is a very important election year! Please donate today to help insure funds are available to inform as many Kansas pro-life voters as possible which candidates are endorsed by the KFL PAC!
Contact Us:
(800) 928-LIFE (5433)
P.O. Box 783285
Wichita, Kansas


Endorsements made by KFL PAC, are not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Paid for by Kansans for Life PAC

Kansas Judge violates the Constitution.

This is an example of having in office the right person who will uphold our constitutional protections. If you live in Johnson County or know someone who does, send this to them. Judge Moriarty should NOT be retained.

You probably know by now that Johnson CountyKansas District Judge Kevin Moriarty arbitrarily ordered the County Clerk and staff to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples on Wednesday, Oct 8th.  This has been in the news and on talk radio pretty much nonstop since then.

What you may not know, is that Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt filed a petition with the Kansas Supreme Court to put a stop to this illegal order by Judge Moriarty.

You see, the Judge, along with every other elected or appointed official in the state and national government takes an oath, a legally binding and sacred testament, to uphold and defend the Constitution of the State of Kansas and the Constitution of the United States.  The Kansas Constitution was amended in April of 2005 by a vote of 70% of the people of Kansas, to prohibit same-sex marriages.  It is the law of the land.

 [Kevin Moriarty has faced some controversy in the past, being accused of sexual harassment in a divorce case in 2007, although the Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications filed an ethical complaint against the plaintiff, charging she made false accusations.  The plaintiff claims her accusations were never investigated by KCJQ.  

Moriarty was appointed by Democrat Governor Kathleen Sebelius to his current position in 2004.  Sebelius was pulled from the Governor’s office in 2009 to serve as President Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary, where she spearheaded the rollout of Obamacare.

Today, Friday, October 10th, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled to uphold the Kansas Constitution which reads under Article 15, Section 16:
(a)   “The Marriage contract is to be considered in law as a civil contract. Marriage shall be constituted by one man and one woman only.  All other marriages are declared to be contrary to the public policy of this state and are void.

(b)   No relationship, other than marriage, shall be recognized by the state as entitling the parties to the rights or incidents of marriage.”

The Court went on to state that Moriarty’s order was not in the best interest of Kansas citizens and is “plainly contrary to Kansas law and was issued without legal justification or authority”.  Included in the Supreme Court statement regarding the Judge’s arbitrary action, “Nothing in the order appointing Judge Moriarty as chief judge of the Tenth Judicial District implies he has the authority to decide cases that have never been brought, or to issue declarations concerning alleged constitutional defects in laws that have never been challenged in any judicial proceeding.”

All the appropriate documents can be seen here:

Attorney General Derek Schmidt should be commended for his expedient action to block this affront to the People of Kansas.

I would remind people in Johnson County that Judge Kevin Moriarty is up for retention on the ballot on November 4th.   For a Judge who believes he can choose which laws he will obey, or enforce, perhaps the voters should remind him who makes the laws, and who decides who gets to wear the robes of judgment.

Vote “NO” to retain Judge Moriarty!

That is all.

"And David spake...saying,'...who is this this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?'" 1 Sam.17:26

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The LibTards Are SCARED to DEATH...

...And I LIKE IT! A LOT!
Dear MoveOn member,  <-WHEN HELL IS A  RESORT!
Disclaimer: I am NOT a "MoveOn member!" What I do enjoy is watching their tone change from one of SELF-AGGRANDIZING, Egomaniacal-ARROGANCE to one of SHAKING in their Crocks with undeniable FEAR!
These numbers terrify me.
The New York Times ran polling analysis of the six most competitive Senate races in the country. Their conclusion? In 5 out of 6 cases, is that Republicans are ahead.1 Add to that races they don't consider close anymore, and the truth is terrifying: If today were Election Day, Republicans would take control of the Senate.
We have 26 days to turn the tide in a handful of critical races. Can you chip in $3 to save us from a right-wing Republican takeover of the Senate?
Yes, I'll chip in.  <-WHEN HELL IS A  RESORT!
If you don't feel afraid, then look at the numbers.2
Time for the KS Repubs to make this a LANDSLIDE VICTORY!
We need to WIN in ALL States possible!

Colorado, Iowa, Alaska, Louisiana and Arkansas are all Democratic incumbents in danger. If Republicans win in four of those races—plus other likely victories around the country, where the polling isn't even this close—they will take over the Senate. <-NOT DOING THE "HAPPY DANCE" YET, BUT.... YaY ~!

However, there is a pathway to victory.

In many races, Republicans are winning by just a percentage point—voter engagement and turnout can turn the tides.

In Iowa, the Republican has been consistently ahead by 1% since June—that translates into roughly 11,000 votes.

In Colorado, the Republican is ahead by 1% as well—meaning a shift of 17,000 votes can make the difference.

Now matter how you slice it, we must hold the line in Iowa and Colorado if we want to avoid a disastrous Republican takeover this fall. In these two states, the races are so close that our turnout operation could make the difference on November 5. And we have to rush emergency resources to Kentucky too, where two brand-new polls show that, after months ahead of his opponent, Mitch McConnell has fallen behind and really could lose.3 

Twenty-nine days is not a lot of time in a campaign. But it is enough time for MoveOn members to complete 5 million calls to progressive voters who might otherwise stay home, but could make the difference for control of the Senate.
Can you chip in $3 to help fully fund this program to stop the Republicans from taking over another branch of our government? <-WHEN HELL IS A  RESORT!
Yes, I'll chip in and help fund MoveOn's program to Save the Senate. 
We've seen what Republicans do when they take over a branch of the government. Look at John Boehner's House of Representatives. John Roberts' Supreme Court. And don't forget the George W. Bush White House.

We know how to win and stop a Republican takeover—by talking directly to voters who voted in 2012 and 2008 but stayed home in 2010. If they vote this year, we win. If they stay home, we lose. It's really that simple.

The numbers are frightening. But imagine how much more terrifying it will be if November 5 comes and this Republican takeover has happened.
Can you chip in $3 to stop this nightmare from becoming a reality?
Yes, I'll chip in to stop a GOP takeover. <-WHEN HELL IS A  RESORT!
Thanks for all you do.
–Ilya, Manny, Jo, Nick, and the rest of the team
1. "Battle for Senate Control Narrows to Six States," The New York Times, October 3, 2014
3. Shocker: Poll shows Alison Grimes with edge over Mitch McConnell," Salon, October 6, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

Triad of Deceit Part III...

...Like the Pepsi Challenge, only WAY BETTER!

--by CW

To @TP_Fire_Ants aka @FrankMDavisJR aka @jackcashill the Triad of Deceit. 

I'm amazed and dismayed but not really surprised at the reaction of the triad of deceit (for the rest of this posting will be referred to as the Triad).

On Aug.8th 2014 an article was released by well known & respected conservative Jeff Rainforth @iResistall on Twitter. The article "Leftists Infiltrate Conservative Groups on Social Media" was posted on the the also well known and respected Conservative Website of Wayne Dupree @WayneDupreeShow on twitter. 

In this article, Jeff points out the viciousness of this Triad that's been going on for at least a year & half. Jeff nailed his persona and stripped him down to his dirty underwater for all to see. But still he persists in trying to sell his Saul Alinsky type BS believing if he repeats it often enough, someone will believe it. So far I've counted 4 Koolaid drinkers, half of which have also had accounts permanently suspended for... GUESS WHAT? [Drum roll please] Harassment, verbal abuse and/or spamming. 

The Triad also has a disgusting habit of dragging innocents into the fray for sympathy & protection from the consequences that he created for himself. I ask you, is there anyone currently in the news today that this tactic reminds you of? I'll give y'all a clue: It starts with H and kinda rhymes with harass. 

Now what REALLY has me puzzled is the fact that not once has FrankJR / Proe Graphique / Jack Cashill aka the Triad denied that they are indeed one and the same person. Not on twitter, not on WND (@World Net Daily) or his friends over at the Tea Party News Network (@TPNNtweets).

You'd think if it weren't true he'd make an effort to deny it. In my opinion, there's no way he can disprove it without concrete proof to the contrary and he has none. The only acceptable concrete proof would be a voice interview between Jack Cashill and Proe Graphique WITH an impeccable third party in attendance to verify that he's not paying a straw man to be him for the interview. That's reasonable and the only thing I will accept,or any true patriot for that matter. [Editors' Sidebar: It would also be cool to see a picture of the Triad sitting at a bar in KC or NJ, toasting each get my drift, with Irish Whiskey and a couple of beer backs. Hagas or sweetbread apps on the side #Gag.]

YES,this is a direct challenge to the Triad! Now show us some REAL accomplishment by disproving the accusation. CW

[Editors' Sidebar: What a hoot it would be to watch Cashill try to be Spiderman, changing in the bathroom stall for part of the interview, then running back at the speed-of-snail to change into a white shirt, khakis and comfy shoes for the next question, and then back to the head for another change back into Spiderman gear. He'd be all huffin' & puffin, too winded to answer a single questions. Amidon could swoop in and give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation #Gag...then finish the interview via cellphone from across the room carefully answering each question after consulting the still exhaused Frack with: Read "OUR" Blahg... or that's on our website - IT'S dot NET! SOMEONE'S CYBERSQUATTING ON OUR .COM but please make a donation. I need Cigarettes, coffee and gas. Your "donation" is NOT tax deductible! Did I do good Frank...errr...Proe..I mean Jack? Can we be together now? You promised to "take care" of me...
       Just #Spork me now and put me out of my misery. kthx ~kc]

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Triad of Deceit Part II...

...Proe Graphique aka Jack Cashill THE BIG BLOVIATER and Pompous ass

~by C.W.

@TP_Fire_Ants cc @jackcashill @TPFA_KathyA and the many SOCKS:

To read his so called "[#benghazi-] truth blog" is to take a trip down a seemingly endless path of the most boring run-around and never-get-to-the-point snooze fest I've ever ATTEMPTED to read. It takes this guy Proe three pages to say what could've been said in one paragraph. For those with insomnia I highly recommend this fairy tale blog instead of sleep aids. Unfortunately.a nightmare would be more entertaining!

@FrankMDavisJR/ProeGraphique (@tp_fire_ants) /@Jack Cashill have become known as the "Triad of Deceit" and there's a good reason for that. This triad (who by the way are the same person) wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the ass.

The Jack Cashill aka Proe Graphique portion of this triad considers himself a RESPECTED author and has written one or two books containing far out conspiracy theories under his real name Jack Cashill. Proe gets no credit here. I'll concede Jack wrote the books, respected, not so much.Yes folks, that was a dig!

One of his wildest theories is Frank M Davis was Obama's real father. Knowing he would damage his already dubious reputation as a bit of a loon, he created the @FrankMDavisJR character on Twitter so he could go off the deep end even further and protect his "reputation," such as it is.

Anyone that has ever seen photos or videos of Obama's half brothers can only come to one conclusion. They share the same father and there's no disputing the resemblance,especially thru the eyes.
While I'm of the opinion that Obama's birth certificate is probably fake, I only wish someone could show indisputable evidence. Several have tried but none have succeeded, YET!

Currently,Proe Graphique and his Koolaid drinking zombies are accusing twitter of left leaning policies when it comes to handing out suspensions. They may or not be liberal as charged but who cares. They're also business people that would think twice before pissing of at least half their customers.
As an example,a conservative friend of mine, Stan Hjerleid operates a cat kennel. I seriously doubt Stan cares if they're owners are liberal or conservative when he accepts their business and it's time for them to pay the tab.

Proe Graphique can't name one conservative congressman or senator that has ever been suspended. And that also includes Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin.

Suspensions have several causes: Hate speech (FrankJR); or Spamming, sending out 200 tweets at a time, trying to trend your new fraudulent donation website (Smithers)! 

Then when the consequences of your own actions come back to bite ya, you wanna piss, moan and blame Twitter. Well be a man for once. You know karma can be a bitter pill to swallow but like all sick people you've gotta take your medicine to get better. It is your own ya know! CW

[from TwiShort to Blogger w/ very minor edits by ~kc]

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Will Tweet for Cigarette Money!

by CW

To @TPFA_KathyA @TP_Fire_Ants @jackcashill @wehavealready On July 23 The #TPFA FireAnts unveiled a new website controlled by its sole benefactor Kathy Amidon currently @TPFA_KathyA on twitter. Many legit and a few not so legit websites have donate buttons located somewhere on their website. It's unusual to see a DONATE button staring at you the moment you open the website.
 (Her NEW [12th or soTwitter handle is @KathyAmidon)

The apparent purpose for this is to grab your attention 1st thing hoping that a few patriotic conservatives will assume it's a legitimate site and donate before they find out what the FireAnts really are all about.

This plays right into the waiting hands of Kathy Amidon. You see,she doesn't work,doesn't wanna work and has no visible means of support. I'm told by a reliable source that she checks the paypal account balance everyday and immediately transfers the money into her personal account. 

No candidates are supported,no supply's are purchased,no posters no yard signs,NOPE,it all goes right into her pocketbook. You see,she claims #TPFA is her calling and therefore it requires 100% of her time and leaves no time for a real job. The fact is she hasn't held a real job for several years. Not since she got caught up in the TPFA FireAnt cult with Proe Graphique / Jack Cashill.

So dear friends and patriots,it's up to you to decide if you want to part with your hard earned money in order to support a narcissistic woman that wants to be famous,won't work,has no intentions of working,has at least a 2 pack a day cigarette habit and depends on the good will of a few gullible people to continue to give her hand outs. 

Always remember to vet the people or organization before you donate money. Obama was never vetted until it was to late. Now many wish they had there vote back,just like you'll wish you had your money back if you donate to these FireAnt frauds.

As for me,I'd rather throw my money on the street and stick a match to it before I'd donate one penny to these #TPFA FireAnt frauds! CW