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What use rname is causing the issue ?: @FrankM Dav isJR
Tweet I am re porting: https://twitte r.com/FrankM Dav isJR/status/445388377240895488
Blocke d use r(s): Yes
How many times has this happe ne d?: Re peate dly ev e ry hr or so since @Kathy_Amidon2 got
suspe nde d
Furthe r description of proble m: I'm not going to sit he re while Jack Cashill is allowe d to call me
a SADISTIC PSY CHOPATH! He may hav e some "white " acct for be ing a "mildly public figure " but
this dude has gone off the DEEP-END!
Your full name : Kriste n C Snow-White
I unde rstand that Twitte r may prov ide third parties, for example the re porte d use r, with details
of this re port, such as the re porte d Tweet. Your contact information, like your e mail address,
will not be disclose d.
Twitte r use rname : @kcsnowhite 7
Your e mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.com
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Here's the (1 of many) Screenshot:
This obviously isn't the one that got you suspended. but it's a SS from 19 Sept 2012. Contradicts your statement in the wnd.com "article" that...well, you and "Pro(e)Graphique" fast, NEW "friends" as stated. Oh, and this is from @KatyPrimadona (suspended), now @TPFA_KathyA (Amidon) who, again, in your wnd.com "article" you stated you "didn't know," have "never met" and have "never spoken to."
What's the line from "The Ref?"
"Capital 'L,' small 'i,' small 'a,' small 'r.' Liar."
I have the email from Twitter on 17 March 2014 after reviewing the above report, @FrankMDavisJR has been suspended for "Harassment & Abuse." I'll look for it, but you were notified WHY as well!
The facts have been presented and the jury has rendered it's verdict. Jack Cashill is the reprobate mind behind the toxic and now suspended for abuse accounts of @FrankMDaviisJR, T_P_Fire_Ants and now on 3rd account as TP_Fire_Ants. The facts speak for themselves. Cashill denies ever knowing Kathy Amidon yet in Amidon's previous account as @KatyPrimadona there was obvious contact between her and Proe Graphique AKA Jack Cashill. The diagram that was skillfully put together and laid out is clear and easy to understand how these two first became acquainted. In my opinion,Jack Cashill needed an outlet to sell his idiotic theory that Frank M Davis Sr. was Obama's father, Knowing he could never get a legitimate newspaper,magazine or even the National Enquirer to print it he opted to,along with Kathy Amidon create the toxic account of Frank M Davis Jr. My opinion is that Obama's birth certificate may be fake but Frank Sr.is NOT his father.
ReplyDeleteWhile Jack may claim to be a conservative his actions and rants against any conservative that has even a slight difference of opinion with him ends up in his troll column. We don't need nor want his type of "conservatism" that only serves to make the rest of us look as foolish and nuts as Jack Cashill is.
That's all for now Jack,see ya in the funny papers!
Extremely well-stated!!