by CW
To @TPFA_KathyA @TP_Fire_Ants @jackcashill @wehavealready On July 23 The #TPFA FireAnts unveiled a new website controlled by its sole benefactor Kathy Amidon currently @TPFA_KathyA on twitter. Many legit and a few not so legit websites have donate buttons located somewhere on their website. It's unusual to see a DONATE button staring at you the moment you open the website.
(Her NEW [12th or so] Twitter handle is @KathyAmidon)
The apparent purpose for this is to grab your attention 1st thing hoping that a few patriotic conservatives will assume it's a legitimate site and donate before they find out what the FireAnts really are all about.
This plays right into the waiting hands of Kathy Amidon. You see,she doesn't work,doesn't wanna work and has no visible means of support. I'm told by a reliable source that she checks the paypal account balance everyday and immediately transfers the money into her personal account.
No candidates are supported,no supply's are purchased,no posters no yard signs,NOPE,it all goes right into her pocketbook. You see,she claims #TPFA is her calling and therefore it requires 100% of her time and leaves no time for a real job. The fact is she hasn't held a real job for several years. Not since she got caught up in the TPFA FireAnt cult with Proe Graphique / Jack Cashill.
So dear friends and patriots,it's up to you to decide if you want to part with your hard earned money in order to support a narcissistic woman that wants to be famous,won't work,has no intentions of working,has at least a 2 pack a day cigarette habit and depends on the good will of a few gullible people to continue to give her hand outs.
Always remember to vet the people or organization before you donate money. Obama was never vetted until it was to late. Now many wish they had there vote back,just like you'll wish you had your money back if you donate to these FireAnt frauds.
As for me,I'd rather throw my money on the street and stick a match to it before I'd donate one penny to these #TPFA FireAnt frauds! CW
Thursday, July 24, 2014
To Say "I'm Sick of Their Bullshit"...
...Is the Biggest Understatement EVER!
The pusillanimous tool Tweets:
I am FORCED to reply:
You are 100% correct about that @JackCashill! YaY YOU! Barry only "pardons" and "promotes" those who do his bidding. does NOT do the bidding of the usurper. Can you say the same? Were you audited after "Deconstructing [Barry]: The Life, Loves, and Letters...[p]Resident?" or, "If I Had a Son: The Blah, Blah, and Blah of GZ?" I didn't think so. Were your buddies Burke & Ceferatti audited when nearly $1/2mill in "Donations" did not go to one single #TeaParty-backed candidate? I didn't think so. Dinesh D'Souza was targeted, "True the Vote" was targeted, why? Because when you are truly AGAINST the agenda of the White House resident they send the IRS to strong arm you, NOTHING you or your sycophants have experienced.
Personally Jack, I'm sick of your shit. Your bogus article remains on WorldNetDaily, NOT because it's #Fact, you and I both know you quoted yourself throughout that piece of yellow "journalism." NOT because you were paid money to write it, no one pays you anymore you FREELANCE (FREE being the operative word). It's time for YOU to confess who you're in bed with that your bullshit remains even though your "alter ego" ProeGraphique, and your mouthpiece @TPFA_KathyA are the ONLY ones commenting, and continuing to pimp it out. It would be amusing if it wasn't so psychotic and sick! (See how annoying run-on sentences are? See how archaic the Oxford-comma is, Jack?)
There's SO MUCH MORE, right Jack? We won't get in to Simon & Schuster, or "He LIES!:...." that was supposed to be published by wnd (they'll print ANYTHING) released in Aug (it's disappeared, you should follow suit) but I will say this: Your continued ASSault on the character of people who disagree with your "Alinsky"-tactics, your badgering and malicious intent will, one day, be met with a force you don't even know exists. (Not a threat Jack, a #Fact. You should Google fact, get cozy with it. Then Google #Truth, get in bed with it, write it on a stickie & put it on your bathroom mirror. That way when you get bitch-slapped by the FACTS and the TRUTH, you won't be completely in the dark.)
The pusillanimous tool Tweets:
I am FORCED to reply:
You are 100% correct about that @JackCashill! YaY YOU! Barry only "pardons" and "promotes" those who do his bidding. does NOT do the bidding of the usurper. Can you say the same? Were you audited after "Deconstructing [Barry]: The Life, Loves, and Letters...[p]Resident?" or, "If I Had a Son: The Blah, Blah, and Blah of GZ?" I didn't think so. Were your buddies Burke & Ceferatti audited when nearly $1/2mill in "Donations" did not go to one single #TeaParty-backed candidate? I didn't think so. Dinesh D'Souza was targeted, "True the Vote" was targeted, why? Because when you are truly AGAINST the agenda of the White House resident they send the IRS to strong arm you, NOTHING you or your sycophants have experienced.
Personally Jack, I'm sick of your shit. Your bogus article remains on WorldNetDaily, NOT because it's #Fact, you and I both know you quoted yourself throughout that piece of yellow "journalism." NOT because you were paid money to write it, no one pays you anymore you FREELANCE (FREE being the operative word). It's time for YOU to confess who you're in bed with that your bullshit remains even though your "alter ego" ProeGraphique, and your mouthpiece @TPFA_KathyA are the ONLY ones commenting, and continuing to pimp it out. It would be amusing if it wasn't so psychotic and sick! (See how annoying run-on sentences are? See how archaic the Oxford-comma is, Jack?)
There's SO MUCH MORE, right Jack? We won't get in to Simon & Schuster, or "He LIES!:...." that was supposed to be published by wnd (they'll print ANYTHING) released in Aug (it's disappeared, you should follow suit) but I will say this: Your continued ASSault on the character of people who disagree with your "Alinsky"-tactics, your badgering and malicious intent will, one day, be met with a force you don't even know exists. (Not a threat Jack, a #Fact. You should Google fact, get cozy with it. Then Google #Truth, get in bed with it, write it on a stickie & put it on your bathroom mirror. That way when you get bitch-slapped by the FACTS and the TRUTH, you won't be completely in the dark.)
This was a SHOCKER!
When I searched ProeGraphique on Facebook the first face of OTHER PEOPLE YOU MAY KNOW was none other than WorldNetDaily's own Joseph Farah. I knew that he would know Jack Cashill, but to think that he's aware of the fact that Proe is one of Cashills' pseudonyms and still printed an article where Jack quotes HIMSELF has to make you question the voracity of anything else associated with WND.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Triad of Deceit... C.W.
To @tp_fire_ants aka @FrankMDavisJR aka Proe Graphique and Jack Cashill. You once threatened to destroy me many months ago before your FrankJR account was suspended for verbal abuse. Now on your 3rd account after two suspensions,I'd like to point out to you where YOU are and where I am now. You're a sulking shell of a malignant narcissistic TeaParty leader wannabe that can't influence more than just a few weak minded Koolaid drinking fools. You currently have 65 followers while I have over 2600.
Followers are nice but not as important to me as they were to you. You used to laugh at and belittle anyone that had fewer followers than you,ARE YOU STILL LAUGHING?
Your so called "Benghazi truth blog" has as much to do with the truth as it does Benghzi,which is to say NADA,ZERO. It's so full of your made up BS you pulled out of your own ass then spit out of your mouth it's only believable to the 3 or 4 zombies you call Kathy Amidon, currently @.TPFA_KathyA, @.Smithers_2012 aka Mark Zampano and @.collieherder aka Fred Landess.
It took many months to track down the asshole behind the mask of Frank M.DavisJR,didn't it @.jackcashill. So now that you're exposed for the overly boring,yellow journalistic,bloviating liar you truly are,I suggest you apply for a job as a speech writer for Obama. He's always looking for a good liar but you'll have to be more convincing than your recent tweets because they're so outlandish as to be the laughing stock of twitter. Obama needs you so report for duty ASAP. You really need a job Jack/aka Proe Graphique so you can stop living off your wife.
Now,let's discuss your partner in crime Kathy Amidon. It's a fact she was suspended for not only verbal abuse (at your urging) but also for multiple accounts and using all six to repeat,ONCE AGAIN,your vicious lies and attacks on conservatives. Now on her 7th account she cries on a daily basis that she wants her account back. And how does she AND YOU,do this? By attacking twitter with false claims of partisanship. Yup,that'll help your cause! That's a big laugh right there. Many people have been suspended by twitter at least once,including myself three times. The difference is Kathy's AND yours was so full of hate and venom some type of action had to be taken and I must say it was long over due!
After your lies about Harriet Baldwin in the World net daily article (WND) had to be taken down,retracted and a public apology issued to Harriet by Jerome Corsi it's chief editor you began a rant against him as well. Anyone that doesn't side with you 100% becomes a troll but you knew better than to take it that far with Jerome Corsi,didn't ya Proe!
Having lost that argument,you then took to your blog to take revenge against Harriet and other conservatives that called you out.
The left loons have their extreme liars like Harry Reid,Nancy Pelosi,Debbie Wassermann Schultz and others. Conservatives have to put up with you,lying thru your teeth every day and making it up as you go. Unfortunately,I don't have Harriet's influence or pull to get WND to retract the rest of your lies. This is the only outlet I have to rebut your hateful and outrageous lies. I intend to use it,so get used to it FrankMDavisJR,Proe Graphique,Jack Cashill. The triad of deceit!
To @tp_fire_ants aka @FrankMDavisJR aka Proe Graphique and Jack Cashill. You once threatened to destroy me many months ago before your FrankJR account was suspended for verbal abuse. Now on your 3rd account after two suspensions,I'd like to point out to you where YOU are and where I am now. You're a sulking shell of a malignant narcissistic TeaParty leader wannabe that can't influence more than just a few weak minded Koolaid drinking fools. You currently have 65 followers while I have over 2600.
Followers are nice but not as important to me as they were to you. You used to laugh at and belittle anyone that had fewer followers than you,ARE YOU STILL LAUGHING?
Your so called "Benghazi truth blog" has as much to do with the truth as it does Benghzi,which is to say NADA,ZERO. It's so full of your made up BS you pulled out of your own ass then spit out of your mouth it's only believable to the 3 or 4 zombies you call Kathy Amidon, currently @.TPFA_KathyA, @.Smithers_2012 aka Mark Zampano and @.collieherder aka Fred Landess.
It took many months to track down the asshole behind the mask of Frank M.DavisJR,didn't it @.jackcashill. So now that you're exposed for the overly boring,yellow journalistic,bloviating liar you truly are,I suggest you apply for a job as a speech writer for Obama. He's always looking for a good liar but you'll have to be more convincing than your recent tweets because they're so outlandish as to be the laughing stock of twitter. Obama needs you so report for duty ASAP. You really need a job Jack/aka Proe Graphique so you can stop living off your wife.
Now,let's discuss your partner in crime Kathy Amidon. It's a fact she was suspended for not only verbal abuse (at your urging) but also for multiple accounts and using all six to repeat,ONCE AGAIN,your vicious lies and attacks on conservatives. Now on her 7th account she cries on a daily basis that she wants her account back. And how does she AND YOU,do this? By attacking twitter with false claims of partisanship. Yup,that'll help your cause! That's a big laugh right there. Many people have been suspended by twitter at least once,including myself three times. The difference is Kathy's AND yours was so full of hate and venom some type of action had to be taken and I must say it was long over due!
After your lies about Harriet Baldwin in the World net daily article (WND) had to be taken down,retracted and a public apology issued to Harriet by Jerome Corsi it's chief editor you began a rant against him as well. Anyone that doesn't side with you 100% becomes a troll but you knew better than to take it that far with Jerome Corsi,didn't ya Proe!
Having lost that argument,you then took to your blog to take revenge against Harriet and other conservatives that called you out.
The left loons have their extreme liars like Harry Reid,Nancy Pelosi,Debbie Wassermann Schultz and others. Conservatives have to put up with you,lying thru your teeth every day and making it up as you go. Unfortunately,I don't have Harriet's influence or pull to get WND to retract the rest of your lies. This is the only outlet I have to rebut your hateful and outrageous lies. I intend to use it,so get used to it FrankMDavisJR,Proe Graphique,Jack Cashill. The triad of deceit!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Some Tea Party Fire Ant History From An Ex-Insider
How I became a Tea Party Fire Ant started out innocently enough. I was appalled by the Benghazi tragedy and was tweeting about it. In Dec. 2012 I was contacted by Kathy Amidon and asked if I would be willing to help support her and promote Benghazi Truth website managed by some
anonymous character @FrankMDavisJR and/or ProeGraphique. In the beginning I thought the articles on the website were pertinent. I helped them a minimum of 3 hours per night, 7 days a week from Jan. 2013 until May 2013 when the rose colored glasses came off. I have written about this extensively on my website. You can read it here: #TPFA Background and History. You can draw your own conclusions.
anonymous character @FrankMDavisJR and/or ProeGraphique. In the beginning I thought the articles on the website were pertinent. I helped them a minimum of 3 hours per night, 7 days a week from Jan. 2013 until May 2013 when the rose colored glasses came off. I have written about this extensively on my website. You can read it here: #TPFA Background and History. You can draw your own conclusions.
There Appears to be a Pattern...
...Emerging Between the "Tea Party Fire Ants" and Indivuals Who Were/Are Involved in Nefarious Activities.
So the ants have posted a new video. In all honesty, the only thing new is the date it was posted. It's a 5 min. vid that's available in 2D and (for those who have those red/blue paper glasses laying around) 3D. Other than that, it's the same old recycled bullshit they've been posting since 2011. It's sad, really, to have access to the technology but have NO POINT.
Control Casting |
Maybe if I didn't know that the video maker, @TP_Fire_Ants a/k/a Pro(e)Graphique a/k/a @FrankMDavisJR a/k/a MittsMusical, et al was Jack Cashill I would be minimally impressed. However, I DO and I'm NOT... Maybe if I hadn't read Orwellls' "1984" 4 times I could make Jacks' abstract connection between Orwell and Barry. However, I HAVE and I DON'T...
Meet the Pro(e)Ducer of "Orwell's (sic) Obama" Jack Cashill:
So is connected. He, Jack, has had some 25+ years of "Media Expertise," as has his self-proclaimed "alter ego" (ego being the keyword) Pro(e)Graphique.
The ants have recently allied with some shady characters on the Tea Party circuit. This shouldn't have come as a surprise, but it did. The first is Todd Cefaratti, dude doesn't sound at all naughty here, but if we go back to the "Raw Story" article of 29 Oct. 2010 it's much darker:
The domain is owned by Todd Cefaratti, an Arizona businessman with a background in data collection. His other business specializes in mining contact information and reselling the leads to clients in the reverse mortgage industry.
“Thousands” of donors have given their personal contact information and credit card numbers to the tea party site, according to CBS. (Read the entire article HERE.)"Conservative Outlooks" writes "Evidence Mounts" is a Fake on 5 April 2011:
Update 9/11/11 It appears CBS5 in Phoenix has taken down their video however, I have found the text. It is here.
Every once in a while someone comes along who preys on the beliefs, tenets and successes of other people and entities and takes greed into their own hands to advance their own personal agenda and coffers.
Such could be the case with The Tea, their website header below:
Read the entire article HERE. |
Money Flowed From Stockman From (& To) Leadership Fund
by Lee Stranahan (15 March 2014)
Flash forward to 2014.
Ceferatti’s group is now called The Leadership Fund and they’ve raised close to $3,500,000 in donations from ads such as this one from Facebook that tells donors they are supporting the Tea Party Movement.
This article in its' entirety HERE. |
What does this have to do with the fire ants? I'm glad you ASKED! If we revisit the beginning of this blog, you'll remember I spoke about the fire ants first ever in history, thus making history, 3D political video: "Orwell's oBama" (that title still makes me giggle, no doubt George is spinning in his grave at the comparison). "They" released this video on the 4th of July, gosh they're a Patriotic bunch! I digress...
Briefly, they pimped out the YouTube link, shortly after it's release it showed up on the Tea Party News Network (it's a rule of mine that I don't post links that I perceive to be deceitful, this is of those times). Oh my gosh! The ants got a bold headline that reads "EXCLUSIVE: ORWELL'S OBAMA: First-Ever 3D Political Video Details Obama's Tyranny in Amazing Graphics!" by Matthew Burke, here's an "eye-popping" quote:
In all honesty, I'm shaking my head.
Briefly, they pimped out the YouTube link, shortly after it's release it showed up on the Tea Party News Network (it's a rule of mine that I don't post links that I perceive to be deceitful, this is of those times). Oh my gosh! The ants got a bold headline that reads "EXCLUSIVE: ORWELL'S OBAMA: First-Ever 3D Political Video Details Obama's Tyranny in Amazing Graphics!" by Matthew Burke, here's an "eye-popping" quote:
In what is believed to be the first 3D political video history in history, Proe Graphique, leader of the Tea Party Fire Ants, has produced an incredible video highlighting the Orwellian rule and tyranny of Barack Obama with “eye-popping” graphics. (Read the "article" in its entirety HERE.)M'kay! That sounds TOTALLY AWESOME! And yet, it's not... As we read in the three previous articles about, Todd Cefaratti is more than a little "shady." That said, you're not going to BELIEVE who the Founder of is... None other than Todd Cefaratti! So the scum of the Tea Party earth hooked up with the shunned author, epic fail birther and conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, Jack Cashill...
In all honesty, I'm shaking my head.
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