...by C.W.
To @tp_fire_ants aka @FrankMDavisJR aka Proe Graphique and Jack Cashill. You once threatened to destroy me many months ago before your FrankJR account was suspended for verbal abuse. Now on your 3rd account after two suspensions,I'd like to point out to you where YOU are and where I am now. You're a sulking shell of a malignant narcissistic TeaParty leader wannabe that can't influence more than just a few weak minded Koolaid drinking fools. You currently have 65 followers while I have over 2600.
Followers are nice but not as important to me as they were to you. You used to laugh at and belittle anyone that had fewer followers than you,ARE YOU STILL LAUGHING?
Your so called "Benghazi truth blog" has as much to do with the truth as it does Benghzi,which is to say NADA,ZERO. It's so full of your made up BS you pulled out of your own ass then spit out of your mouth it's only believable to the 3 or 4 zombies you call Kathy Amidon, currently @.TPFA_KathyA, @.Smithers_2012 aka Mark Zampano and @.collieherder aka Fred Landess.
It took many months to track down the asshole behind the mask of Frank M.DavisJR,didn't it @.jackcashill. So now that you're exposed for the overly boring,yellow journalistic,bloviating liar you truly are,I suggest you apply for a job as a speech writer for Obama. He's always looking for a good liar but you'll have to be more convincing than your recent tweets because they're so outlandish as to be the laughing stock of twitter. Obama needs you so report for duty ASAP. You really need a job Jack/aka Proe Graphique so you can stop living off your wife.
Now,let's discuss your partner in crime Kathy Amidon. It's a fact she was suspended for not only verbal abuse (at your urging) but also for multiple accounts and using all six to repeat,ONCE AGAIN,your vicious lies and attacks on conservatives. Now on her 7th account she cries on a daily basis that she wants her account back. And how does she AND YOU,do this? By attacking twitter with false claims of partisanship. Yup,that'll help your cause! That's a big laugh right there. Many people have been suspended by twitter at least once,including myself three times. The difference is Kathy's AND yours was so full of hate and venom some type of action had to be taken and I must say it was long over due!
After your lies about Harriet Baldwin in the World net daily article (WND) had to be taken down,retracted and a public apology issued to Harriet by Jerome Corsi it's chief editor you began a rant against him as well. Anyone that doesn't side with you 100% becomes a troll but you knew better than to take it that far with Jerome Corsi,didn't ya Proe!
Having lost that argument,you then took to your blog to take revenge against Harriet and other conservatives that called you out.
The left loons have their extreme liars like Harry Reid,Nancy Pelosi,Debbie Wassermann Schultz and others. Conservatives have to put up with you,lying thru your teeth every day and making it up as you go. Unfortunately,I don't have Harriet's influence or pull to get WND to retract the rest of your lies. This is the only outlet I have to rebut your hateful and outrageous lies. I intend to use it,so get used to it FrankMDavisJR,Proe Graphique,Jack Cashill. The triad of deceit!
This is so true & so laughable. Jack has 1 personality & many accounts under different names , but each 1 created 2 backup what ever BS he is spouting on any given day.