Monday, July 14, 2014

There Appears to be a Pattern...

...Emerging Between the "Tea Party Fire Ants" and Indivuals Who Were/Are Involved in Nefarious Activities.

So the ants have posted a new video. In all honesty, the only thing new is the date it was posted. It's a 5 min. vid that's available in 2D and (for those who have those red/blue paper glasses laying around) 3D. Other than that, it's the same old recycled bullshit they've been posting since 2011. It's sad, really, to have access to the technology but have NO POINT.

Control Casting
Maybe if I didn't know that the video maker, @TP_Fire_Ants a/k/a Pro(e)Graphique a/k/a @FrankMDavisJR a/k/a MittsMusical, et al was Jack Cashill I would be minimally impressed. However, I DO and I'm NOT... Maybe if I hadn't read Orwellls' "1984" 4 times I could make Jacks' abstract connection between Orwell and Barry. However, I HAVE and I DON'T...

Meet the Pro(e)Ducer of "Orwell's (sic) Obama" Jack Cashill:

So is connected. He, Jack, has had some 25+ years of "Media Expertise," as has his self-proclaimed "alter ego" (ego being the keyword) Pro(e)Graphique.

The ants have recently allied with some shady characters on the Tea Party circuit. This shouldn't have come as a surprise, but it did. The first is Todd Cefaratti, dude doesn't sound at all naughty here, but if we go back to the "Raw Story" article of 29 Oct. 2010 it's much darker:
The domain is owned by Todd Cefaratti, an Arizona businessman with a background in data collection. His other business specializes in mining contact information and reselling the leads to clients in the reverse mortgage industry.
“Thousands” of donors have given their personal contact information and credit card numbers to the tea party site, according to CBS. (Read the entire article HERE.)
"Conservative Outlooks" writes "Evidence Mounts" is a Fake on 5 April 2011:
Update 9/11/11 It appears CBS5 in Phoenix has taken down their video however, I have found the text. It is here.
Every once in a while someone comes along who preys on the beliefs, tenets and successes of other people and entities and takes greed into their own hands to advance their own personal agenda and coffers.
Such could be the case with The Tea, their website header below:
Tea Party net
Read the entire article HERE.

Money Flowed From Stockman From (& To) Leadership Fund

by Lee Stranahan (15 March 2014)

Flash forward to 2014.
Ceferatti’s group is now called The Leadership Fund and they’ve raised close to $3,500,000 in donations from ads such as this one from Facebook that tells donors they are supporting the Tea Party Movement.
This article in its' entirety HERE.
What does this have to do with the fire ants? I'm glad you ASKED! If we revisit the beginning of this blog, you'll remember I spoke about the fire ants first ever in history, thus making history, 3D political video: "Orwell's oBama" (that title still makes me giggle, no doubt George is spinning in his grave at the comparison). "They" released this video on the 4th of July, gosh they're a Patriotic bunch! I digress...

Briefly, they pimped out the YouTube link, shortly after it's release it showed up on the Tea Party News Network (it's a rule of mine that I don't post links that I perceive to be deceitful, this is of those times). Oh my gosh! The ants got a bold headline that reads "EXCLUSIVE: ORWELL'S OBAMA: First-Ever 3D Political Video Details Obama's Tyranny in Amazing Graphics!" by Matthew Burke, here's an "eye-popping" quote:
In what is believed to be the first 3D political video history in history, Proe Graphique, leader of the Tea Party Fire Ants, has produced an incredible video highlighting the Orwellian rule and tyranny of Barack Obama with “eye-popping” graphics. (Read the "article" in its entirety HERE.)
M'kay! That sounds TOTALLY AWESOME! And yet, it's not... As we read in the three previous articles about, Todd Cefaratti is more than a little "shady." That said, you're not going to BELIEVE who the Founder of is... None other than Todd Cefaratti! So the scum of the Tea Party earth hooked up with the shunned author, epic fail birther and conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, Jack Cashill...

In all honesty, I'm shaking my head.

1 comment:

  1. There has been a mountain of evidence,or rather a volcano getting ready to explode,that these individuals are all connected in one way or another. Especially the FrankMDavisJR aka Proe Graphique and Jack Cashill connection that was laid out so skillfully in an earlier article. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Todd Cefaratti is in the mix as well. When Todd's TeaParty net twitter account takes time to attack a certain person we'll call C dub for no apparent reason other than a request from a certain Jack Cashill. Put it all together and you've quite a little conspiracy going. It's not just a theory and it's NO JOKE,right Proe!
