Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Shattered Glass & @TP_Fire_Ants by @henryjackp

Shattered Glass & @TP_Fire_Ants 
(aka Proe Graphique or Stephen Glass revisited)

Who is Stephen Glass you may ask and what does he have to do with PG? i.e Proe Graphique. Nothing directly but I'll explain. Stephen Glass was an up and coming young journalist with an editorial magazine called The New Republic TNR from 1995 to 1998. A film was later made about his short lived career at TNR entitled Shattered Glass. I've seen the film twice and found it very interesting and entertaining but most of all enlightening. If you have never seen it I highly recommend it. It's a tale of how one narcissistic and cunning journalist managed to pull the wool over his boss Charles (Chuck) Lane's eyes as well as the TNR staff and the public in general. ((FYI Charles Lane can currently be seen as semi regular panelist on FoxNews Special Report with Bret Baer.)) 

Of the 41 articles that Stephen Glass wrote over a 3 year period, 27 were found to be totally or in part pure fabrications. And of the remaining 14 they're not even sure about those either. His yellow journalism skills would've made him William Randolph Hearst's number one boy. Fortunately Stephen's world came tumbling down in May 1998 when his stories were checked out by the fact checkers and the rest is history as they say.

Incidentally, Stephen also bares a very strong resemblance to a certain Jack Cashill. WOW what a coincidence! 
This link is a must read => http://newsninja2012.com/leftists-infiltrate-conservative-groups-on-social-media/ After reading and studying this link, is it all just a coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO!

Now enter PG, (Proe Graphique) The similarities between him and Stephen Glass are overwhelming. The only difference is PG has not yet been fully exposed, but it's being worked on.

PG and his partner in crime Kathy Amidon have run several scams from donation scams (to which she is the sole beneficiary) to false articles and accusations in his so called "Truth blog spot" that makes ya wanna Gag and Spit.

One of his more infamous claims is that Frank Marshal Davis is Obama's real father. Now that takes quite an imagination, either that or a reprobate mind. In his case it's the latter. He has tried relentlessly to pawn this myth onto the twitter public for several years with little or no success. And claims of thousands of views for his silly video of Frank M Davis morphing into Obama doesn't necessarily equal thousands of converts and believers. Only in his narcissistic arrogant reprobate mind is it so. However, I have noticed one thing, he seems very hesitant to try to perpetuate this myth upon the congressman and Senators he's trying to court. Why is that PG? Are you afraid your credibility might suffer? Well I got news for you, you've got no credibility to worry about losing in the first place.

His latest invention and myth to date is that he and Kathy have been called upon by Congress and Rep Lamar Smith to investigate a liberal troll entity known as TRUTHY. This is not only a pure fabrication and a figment of their imagination but also very strange considering that they have a troll army of their own i.e. http://twishort.com/MpMgc With this "Stamp out trolls" character in the lead role.

Incidentally these people at TPFA have quite a sordid history as outlined by Stan Hjerleid, a well respected conservative blogger that was there at the beginning and actually was instrumental in helping their TPFA (TeaPartyFireAnt) movement get off the ground. What started out to be a noble cause, the fight for a Benghazi select committee was ruined by the narcissistic and overbearing attitude of PG aka Frank M Davis JR. Read details here => http://bit.ly/1jSQGbz 

Yes, Stephen Glass and Proe Graohique have much in common, so much so you'd think they were both spawned by the same barracuda! Perhaps one day when PG is fully exposed and brought down to earth they'll make a film of his life and fabrications entitled Shattered Ass. Until then all anyone can do is call him out for every lie and every half truth and fabrication that he spews out! 

Google for the details on Stephen Glass then watch for similarities in PG's twitter TL. And please check out our website at truepatriotsforamerica.com #TP4A and like us on FaceBook. Thank you @henryjackp

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