(Revised 1-4-15)
After giving it a lot of thought, I have decided to compile a list of all the known sock accounts belonging to @TP_Fire_Ants aka @FrankMDavisJR and @TPFA_KathyA_1 These accounts need to be brought to the attention of the Twitter world. They have succeeded in going from one suspended account to another creating sock accounts as they go and leaving them behind after multiple suspensions. After about a two-month self-imposed absence so they could work on their latest VENDETTA video against Twitter {{ they're still pissed about the suspensions }} they finally resurfaced with a multitude of new sock counts, at least 12. Most of them are new but there's a few older accounts mixed in with them. I'm sure I missed some but I will include them in an update of this list when I find them. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS:
@StampOutTrolls @TexasRedRoses @TanyaHarmon14 @Lisa_T_Hunter @Miami_4_Me
@Carls_Wife @billchase14 @Florida_Suntan @Desert_Rays @Desert_Beams @T_Harmon1
@PTWAAT @FastCarGirl25 @HoneyGee28 @borderlockup @PatriotGirl2014 @henrybakerr
@HughBen4U @Kris_Garrett_ @LibDBaggery @amidon1943 @fancytn @AmidonKathy permanently suspended for "Harassment & Abuse" @TPFA_KathyA_1 @Texas_Tea1 @NavarreStreet And last but not least @CandyGAlexander currently under suspension.
It's not very difficult to link these accounts to Proe Graphique & Kathy Amidon. Three quarters of those accounts are relatively new and have fewer than 100 followers and some fewer than 15 or 20. Some have been around a little longer and may have 300 or more.
Secondly, all you have to do is compare their followers with each of these accounts. They all follow each other on most of their accounts and finally, they RT one another often, kinda like passing the same football around between 4 or 5 people.
Proe Graphiqe seems to have made StampOutTrolls his lead character in this not so colorful array of Zombie sock accounts. You will find that both Proe and Kathy retweet StampOutTrolls practically as much as their own original tweets, or respond to them as if they just met (I find this practice rather humorous)
It must be very difficult to keep up with 20 and possibly more sock accounts. That's why you'll find many of them dormant for a week or two or more but, they all have one thing in common, They have all chimed in with basically the same message at one time or another and delivered often times verbatim.
So why do Proe and Kathy choose to do what they are doing, and why am I writing this article? My opinion is that they are both narcissistic and have to draw attention to themselves in one form or another by attacking someone or something on a regular basis. This in turn sheds a bad light on conservatism.
As for me and hundreds more like me, I am fed up with their self-pity and self-righteousness. Why take something that's given to you for free and then complain to everyone about the donor? If you don't like the apples stop shaking the tree! In other words, get off Twitter and go somewhere else or stop complaining!
This article was brought to you by a fair and balanced team and fans of @FoxNews ;-)
( #TP4A★#TPFA on @Twitter)
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