Friday, January 30, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Shattered Glass & @TP_Fire_Ants by @henryjackp
Shattered Glass & @TP_Fire_Ants
(aka Proe Graphique or Stephen Glass revisited)
Who is Stephen Glass you may ask and what does he have to do with PG? i.e Proe Graphique. Nothing directly but I'll explain. Stephen Glass was an up and coming young journalist with an editorial magazine called The New Republic TNR from 1995 to 1998. A film was later made about his short lived career at TNR entitled Shattered Glass. I've seen the film twice and found it very interesting and entertaining but most of all enlightening. If you have never seen it I highly recommend it. It's a tale of how one narcissistic and cunning journalist managed to pull the wool over his boss Charles (Chuck) Lane's eyes as well as the TNR staff and the public in general. ((FYI Charles Lane can currently be seen as semi regular panelist on FoxNews Special Report with Bret Baer.))
Of the 41 articles that Stephen Glass wrote over a 3 year period, 27 were found to be totally or in part pure fabrications. And of the remaining 14 they're not even sure about those either. His yellow journalism skills would've made him William Randolph Hearst's number one boy. Fortunately Stephen's world came tumbling down in May 1998 when his stories were checked out by the fact checkers and the rest is history as they say.
Incidentally, Stephen also bares a very strong resemblance to a certain Jack Cashill. WOW what a coincidence!
This link is a must read => After reading and studying this link, is it all just a coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO!
Now enter PG, (Proe Graphique) The similarities between him and Stephen Glass are overwhelming. The only difference is PG has not yet been fully exposed, but it's being worked on.
PG and his partner in crime Kathy Amidon have run several scams from donation scams (to which she is the sole beneficiary) to false articles and accusations in his so called "Truth blog spot" that makes ya wanna Gag and Spit.
One of his more infamous claims is that Frank Marshal Davis is Obama's real father. Now that takes quite an imagination, either that or a reprobate mind. In his case it's the latter. He has tried relentlessly to pawn this myth onto the twitter public for several years with little or no success. And claims of thousands of views for his silly video of Frank M Davis morphing into Obama doesn't necessarily equal thousands of converts and believers. Only in his narcissistic arrogant reprobate mind is it so. However, I have noticed one thing, he seems very hesitant to try to perpetuate this myth upon the congressman and Senators he's trying to court. Why is that PG? Are you afraid your credibility might suffer? Well I got news for you, you've got no credibility to worry about losing in the first place.
His latest invention and myth to date is that he and Kathy have been called upon by Congress and Rep Lamar Smith to investigate a liberal troll entity known as TRUTHY. This is not only a pure fabrication and a figment of their imagination but also very strange considering that they have a troll army of their own i.e. With this "Stamp out trolls" character in the lead role.
Incidentally these people at TPFA have quite a sordid history as outlined by Stan Hjerleid, a well respected conservative blogger that was there at the beginning and actually was instrumental in helping their TPFA (TeaPartyFireAnt) movement get off the ground. What started out to be a noble cause, the fight for a Benghazi select committee was ruined by the narcissistic and overbearing attitude of PG aka Frank M Davis JR. Read details here =>
Yes, Stephen Glass and Proe Graohique have much in common, so much so you'd think they were both spawned by the same barracuda! Perhaps one day when PG is fully exposed and brought down to earth they'll make a film of his life and fabrications entitled Shattered Ass. Until then all anyone can do is call him out for every lie and every half truth and fabrication that he spews out!
Google for the details on Stephen Glass then watch for similarities in PG's twitter TL. And please check out our website at #TP4A and like us on FaceBook. Thank you @henryjackp
★SOCK ACCOUNTS Revised 1-4-15★ by @henryjackp ★
(Revised 1-4-15)
After giving it a lot of thought, I have decided to compile a list of all the known sock accounts belonging to @TP_Fire_Ants aka @FrankMDavisJR and @TPFA_KathyA_1 These accounts need to be brought to the attention of the Twitter world. They have succeeded in going from one suspended account to another creating sock accounts as they go and leaving them behind after multiple suspensions. After about a two-month self-imposed absence so they could work on their latest VENDETTA video against Twitter {{ they're still pissed about the suspensions }} they finally resurfaced with a multitude of new sock counts, at least 12. Most of them are new but there's a few older accounts mixed in with them. I'm sure I missed some but I will include them in an update of this list when I find them. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS:
@StampOutTrolls @TexasRedRoses @TanyaHarmon14 @Lisa_T_Hunter @Miami_4_Me
@Carls_Wife @billchase14 @Florida_Suntan @Desert_Rays @Desert_Beams @T_Harmon1
@PTWAAT @FastCarGirl25 @HoneyGee28 @borderlockup @PatriotGirl2014 @henrybakerr
@HughBen4U @Kris_Garrett_ @LibDBaggery @amidon1943 @fancytn @AmidonKathy permanently suspended for "Harassment & Abuse" @TPFA_KathyA_1 @Texas_Tea1 @NavarreStreet And last but not least @CandyGAlexander currently under suspension.
It's not very difficult to link these accounts to Proe Graphique & Kathy Amidon. Three quarters of those accounts are relatively new and have fewer than 100 followers and some fewer than 15 or 20. Some have been around a little longer and may have 300 or more.
Secondly, all you have to do is compare their followers with each of these accounts. They all follow each other on most of their accounts and finally, they RT one another often, kinda like passing the same football around between 4 or 5 people.
Proe Graphiqe seems to have made StampOutTrolls his lead character in this not so colorful array of Zombie sock accounts. You will find that both Proe and Kathy retweet StampOutTrolls practically as much as their own original tweets, or respond to them as if they just met (I find this practice rather humorous)
It must be very difficult to keep up with 20 and possibly more sock accounts. That's why you'll find many of them dormant for a week or two or more but, they all have one thing in common, They have all chimed in with basically the same message at one time or another and delivered often times verbatim.
So why do Proe and Kathy choose to do what they are doing, and why am I writing this article? My opinion is that they are both narcissistic and have to draw attention to themselves in one form or another by attacking someone or something on a regular basis. This in turn sheds a bad light on conservatism.
As for me and hundreds more like me, I am fed up with their self-pity and self-righteousness. Why take something that's given to you for free and then complain to everyone about the donor? If you don't like the apples stop shaking the tree! In other words, get off Twitter and go somewhere else or stop complaining!
This article was brought to you by a fair and balanced team and fans of @FoxNews ;-)
( #TP4A★#TPFA on @Twitter)
DONATION FRAUD ALERT! by @henryjackp
Kathy Amidon (aka Amidumb) is one of the co-founders of the group known as the TeaPartyFireAnts aka #TPFA She along with her mentor Jack Cashill of Kansas City MO. who's aka @TP_FireAnts on Twitter have been running a donation scam since early January 2014 and possibly even before that.
It's a fact that Kathy has no real home of her own and is currently living with her sister in Elizabethton TN. (Ironic since its a well known fact her real name is Elizabeth). Long divorced, she's been living with family or friends for years with no visible means of support. Although she has worked periodically but just enough to keep her unemployment benefits active. However a monkey wrench was thrown into her long term plans when the Government failed to renew the unemployment benefits extension at the end of December 2013.
So now, here comes the first week of January 2014. Donate buttons began to appear all over their so called " truth blog spot" which is a false narrative In and of itself. Then almost immediately, the tweets began to roll out stating => "THE TROLLS ARE FRIGHTENED OF A WELL FUNDED TPFA" was the cry! This fund raising campaign went on for weeks on end. You couldn't open up any of their links without a DONATE button hitting right in the face. The reality however was a well funded Kathy Amidon who's unemployment benefits had just run out. She checks the PayPal donations that have gone into her account on a daily basis and withdraws what she needs for "RANT"or rent Money (If she pays any) and cigarettes. Definitely cigarettes, to support her 2 pack a day or more habit.
Kathy has stated to friends (that will remain Anonymous) that she feels TPFA FireAnts is her calling. If that's the case then let Jack Cashill support her. His wife has plenty of money! Either that or get a cup, stand on the street corner and panhandle. At least that'll get her off her ass for a while!
As a friend of mine Stan Hjerleid once said, "DONATING IS SERIOUS, be aware of where your money is going. Always check out the Organization and take nothing for granted.
#GetaJobKathy #ProeCrapique #FireJohnBoehner #Benghazi
cc:@jackcashill @TP_Fire_Ants @StampOutTrolls @jerome_corsi @JosephFarah @Applepieallgone @collieherder @wehavealready
Kathy Amidon (aka Amidumb) is one of the co-founders of the group known as the TeaPartyFireAnts aka #TPFA She along with her mentor Jack Cashill of Kansas City MO. who's aka @TP_FireAnts on Twitter have been running a donation scam since early January 2014 and possibly even before that.
It's a fact that Kathy has no real home of her own and is currently living with her sister in Elizabethton TN. (Ironic since its a well known fact her real name is Elizabeth). Long divorced, she's been living with family or friends for years with no visible means of support. Although she has worked periodically but just enough to keep her unemployment benefits active. However a monkey wrench was thrown into her long term plans when the Government failed to renew the unemployment benefits extension at the end of December 2013.
So now, here comes the first week of January 2014. Donate buttons began to appear all over their so called " truth blog spot" which is a false narrative In and of itself. Then almost immediately, the tweets began to roll out stating => "THE TROLLS ARE FRIGHTENED OF A WELL FUNDED TPFA" was the cry! This fund raising campaign went on for weeks on end. You couldn't open up any of their links without a DONATE button hitting right in the face. The reality however was a well funded Kathy Amidon who's unemployment benefits had just run out. She checks the PayPal donations that have gone into her account on a daily basis and withdraws what she needs for "RANT"or rent Money (If she pays any) and cigarettes. Definitely cigarettes, to support her 2 pack a day or more habit.
Kathy has stated to friends (that will remain Anonymous) that she feels TPFA FireAnts is her calling. If that's the case then let Jack Cashill support her. His wife has plenty of money! Either that or get a cup, stand on the street corner and panhandle. At least that'll get her off her ass for a while!
As a friend of mine Stan Hjerleid once said, "DONATING IS SERIOUS, be aware of where your money is going. Always check out the Organization and take nothing for granted.
#GetaJobKathy #ProeCrapique #FireJohnBoehner #Benghazi
cc:@jackcashill @TP_Fire_Ants @StampOutTrolls @jerome_corsi @JosephFarah @Applepieallgone @collieherder @wehavealready
Deconstructing and Exposing JACK CASHILL...
...For the Narcissistic, Egomaniacal, Pathological-Lying ASS he Is.
Yes Jack, parallel to your obsession, YOU LIE!
"For reasons of his employment, that individual remains anonymous. As I have since learned, he is a very bright, media-savvy guy from the East Coast who goes by the name 'Proe.'” Says Cashill about HIMSELF!! I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of a link to the "article" but feel free to Google the #tool.
Yes Jack, parallel to your obsession, YOU LIE!
Meet the "author" behind the sick-alter-egos: @StampOutTrolls, @TP_Fire_Ants & the infamous @FrankMDavisJR... Be very careful dealing with the Ants. It's a scam. Amidon lost her 99 weeks of unemployment a year ago (Jan.2014) the same time DONATE TO KEEP US UP AND RUNNING buttons showed up.
Amidumb wants to be "famous," BADLY. Seeing her own name in my blog titles has got to make her piddle her Depends®.
This call's good for a giggle.
She seems to think she's talking to 2 different people.
Yeah, no #derp...
THIS is why we, the, don't #RT / @worldnetdaily They do NOT vet or verify the articles they post. I have spoken to Cashill and he told me he did not interview "Proe" the "bright, media-savvy guy from the East Coast" for the yellow-journalistic-"piece" on @Twitter #Trolls that wnd published on 21 May 2014. That said, #IMO, @Jerome_corsi and/or @josephfarah need to make some CORRECTIONS to the aforementioned article. #Seriously...
Monday, January 26, 2015
If You're a Good Ant, Amidon...
...This Will be My Last Blog Post.
(Oh #Bwahaha!! As if #Giggle #Snort! Bring it on bitches...)
(Oh #Bwahaha!! As if #Giggle #Snort! Bring it on bitches...)
In all honesty, you don't deserve this white-space but I had such an awesome evening, cathartic even, so I'm going to share some stuff with you that I seriously hope you'll read and heed. You won't but hey, a Reagan Republican-girl can dream...
★彡Was on a conference call earlier this evening with some TRUE #Patriots! PATRIOT is defined by Miriam-Webster (noun) 1. a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. Do you know what you are #TPFA Amidon? A Detractor, defined by Miriam-Webster (noun) 1. a person who disparages someone or something. That is all you do.
In the 14 sad months I have known "of you" not ONCE have you said anything positive or encouraging, respectful or supportive of anyone OTHER THAN yourself or Jack.
You are NOT a #TeaParty Patriot. You are NOT a #Conservative. You are NOT a #Reagan #Republican or anything in between. You care ONLY about yourself. Cashill cares ONLY about himself. I say this because REGARDLESS of "how" the #Benghazi Select Committee (@HouseBenghazi) was formed, you two have done NOTHING but post "letters" from a retired Congressman. You've talked about NOTHING other than how much they "loved" you. You aren't THANKFUL that there's finally a Cmte, YOU want to be recognized as the #FireAnts who are 100% responsible for it. You didn't "swarm" and get co-signer's, but if that's how you're able to look at yourselves in the mirror, well then you go girl (and boi). The rest of us, however, are pretty sick and frikk'n tired of your BS. You make #Demands of Trey Gowdy, a Congressman, a former Prosecutor, AN ATTORNEY! Telling him WHO to depose and WHAT to ask! Seriously, who does that? He is a Republican from South Carolina, neither of you LIVE in SC, yet your words to him and the tone you use are those of teacher admonishing a student for speaking out of turn. How DARE YOU.
Your hypocrisy is tantamount to that of Gwyneth Paltrow. Knowing how badly you want to be "famous" @tpfa_kathya_1, I'm using her to make a point only. You call ME a #LibTard #Troll, let's compare:
- I wrote an "Open Letter" to Paltrow after she hosted a fundraiser for Barry that cost attendees up to $35,000 per plate. In that letter I included the current poverty level and just how many families of FOUR (4) could have benefitted from the cost of just ONE $35,000 plate. As I did more research I discovered that Paltrow is a vegan and she's real big on Greenpeace and PETA. However her website (which I refuse to include, it might draw a hit) not only has recipes for DUCK, CHICKEN and VEAL, but one of her most affordable items (at just UNDER $100) is a journal with a cover made out of some rare animal skin. I didn't even call her a "hypocrite" I just noted that she's a vegan with "featured" meat recipes and a Greenpeace/PETA-chick with rare animal leather journals for sale on her website! That said, an "Open Letter" should point out verifiable facts and discrepancies. I am a Conservative, she is a Liberal/Progressive, that's how I roll.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
- You, Jack Cashill, wrote an "Open Letter" to Congress. It was 25+ pages DEMANDING they #DumpBoehner, TELLING them WHO "IMO" should BE the next Speaker! You said such nasty things about John Boehner... So nasty a REAL Conservative, a REAL Patriot, would hesitate to "think" it let along spend 6 hrs. writing it and a WEEK pimping it out, begging for kudos, high praise and "donations." Then there was the THREAT to ALL the Republican members of the House of Representatives that if they DID vote to keep Boehner, you weren't going to forget it and the full-force of the #FireAnts were going to rain down upon them with Hell Fire and Damnation for the next 2 yrs, "...just look what WE DID to get the #Benghazi Select Committee!"
Whaaat? Granted I don't have a PhD, but neither do you or it would be all over your books. Oh get an updated pic, dude. You 10-15 yrs. ago photoshopped in front of the Golden Gate Bridge is just lame! Only way I can make sense of it is that you hit the bottle of Irish Whiskey and didn't stop until it was empty. I digress....
Did I want Boehner to remain Speaker? I went back and forth on that issue and in the end I was very pleased that as a citizen, it was the duty of my elected official to cast that vote. When it comes to narcissism, arrogance and pathological lying, you two rival your obsession Jack. You're more egomaniacal than Barry and well, that's saying a LOT!
Sometimes I hate blogging... It opens up cans of worms that could be utilized by the friendless and the KrayKray... More later...
Friday, January 9, 2015
Before You "DONATE"...
...Consider These "FACTS"
So that the following information can easily be used for reference and review purposes, I'm going to attempt to present the facts about the teapartyfireants in a sterile, non-emotional manner. This is no small, nor is it an easy feat. If you are a praying person, now would be a good time. I'm going to need all the Divine assisstance I can get.
In order of their appearance on the web:
- "benghazi-truth" (b-t) June 2013;
- "teapartyfireants" (.net) approx. 24 April 2014; and
- "stampouttrolls" (sot) approx. 15 Oct. 2014
b-t is a FREE Google blogspot. Twitter is the FREE social media platform they use to "swarm" (a/k/a "spam"). Jack Cashill (the self-described 25 yr. [now 30] "media expert") has the production equipment to make the videos for FREE. Cashill is capable of screenshot manipulation for FREE. Cashill also puts together all of the migraine-inducing, neon-clipart for FREE.
That begs one simple question: Why, in Jan. 20141 after 17 months of "24/7 volunteer" work did the Fire Ants, with Kathy Amidon as the sole beneficiary, ask "...the vast majority of nice readers out there..." to "please donate generously..." so they can continue providing the ONLY proven effective, 100% FREE Twitter-strategy, so their "loyals" would be protected by Congress from defamation, suspension, threats and being terrorized by us2, (a/k/a the Twitter Trolls) as promised?
As you can see in the first screenshot I called Kansas City, MO. The first call to prefix "931" at 5:56 PM PST (the number "listed" for Jack Cashill) had been disabled. So I went back through my phone records to 11 June 2014 when Cashill called me from his home phone that's listed under his wife's name "J Dean." It took nearly a min. to answer the phone, we spoke for just short of 1 min. and about 1 min. later you can see that @StampOutTrolls Tweeted that "I" ("Snow White/SW") and Del Harvey (@delbius) "...on the telephone sound same..."
(L) = PST or 8:22 PM CST (R) = CST or 6:22 PM PST |
As much as I LOATHE this statement: IN MY OPINION (IMO), it's IMPOSSIBLE to deny that Jack Cashill and @StampOutTrolls/@TP_Fire_Ants a/k/a "ProeGraphique" are THE SAME PERSON.
- Jan. 2014 coincides with the date when Amidon's 99 weeks of unemployment ran out.
- "We" (the "trolls") consist of "": Myself, @StanHjerleid, @dribblethots, @almostsixty, @NBumpkin, @Elliemae04, @ClarenceSilkwow and @TruePatriotAna.
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