Monday, August 11, 2014

Triad of Deceit Part III...

...Like the Pepsi Challenge, only WAY BETTER!

--by CW

To @TP_Fire_Ants aka @FrankMDavisJR aka @jackcashill the Triad of Deceit. 

I'm amazed and dismayed but not really surprised at the reaction of the triad of deceit (for the rest of this posting will be referred to as the Triad).

On Aug.8th 2014 an article was released by well known & respected conservative Jeff Rainforth @iResistall on Twitter. The article "Leftists Infiltrate Conservative Groups on Social Media" was posted on the the also well known and respected Conservative Website of Wayne Dupree @WayneDupreeShow on twitter. 

In this article, Jeff points out the viciousness of this Triad that's been going on for at least a year & half. Jeff nailed his persona and stripped him down to his dirty underwater for all to see. But still he persists in trying to sell his Saul Alinsky type BS believing if he repeats it often enough, someone will believe it. So far I've counted 4 Koolaid drinkers, half of which have also had accounts permanently suspended for... GUESS WHAT? [Drum roll please] Harassment, verbal abuse and/or spamming. 

The Triad also has a disgusting habit of dragging innocents into the fray for sympathy & protection from the consequences that he created for himself. I ask you, is there anyone currently in the news today that this tactic reminds you of? I'll give y'all a clue: It starts with H and kinda rhymes with harass. 

Now what REALLY has me puzzled is the fact that not once has FrankJR / Proe Graphique / Jack Cashill aka the Triad denied that they are indeed one and the same person. Not on twitter, not on WND (@World Net Daily) or his friends over at the Tea Party News Network (@TPNNtweets).

You'd think if it weren't true he'd make an effort to deny it. In my opinion, there's no way he can disprove it without concrete proof to the contrary and he has none. The only acceptable concrete proof would be a voice interview between Jack Cashill and Proe Graphique WITH an impeccable third party in attendance to verify that he's not paying a straw man to be him for the interview. That's reasonable and the only thing I will accept,or any true patriot for that matter. [Editors' Sidebar: It would also be cool to see a picture of the Triad sitting at a bar in KC or NJ, toasting each get my drift, with Irish Whiskey and a couple of beer backs. Hagas or sweetbread apps on the side #Gag.]

YES,this is a direct challenge to the Triad! Now show us some REAL accomplishment by disproving the accusation. CW

[Editors' Sidebar: What a hoot it would be to watch Cashill try to be Spiderman, changing in the bathroom stall for part of the interview, then running back at the speed-of-snail to change into a white shirt, khakis and comfy shoes for the next question, and then back to the head for another change back into Spiderman gear. He'd be all huffin' & puffin, too winded to answer a single questions. Amidon could swoop in and give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation #Gag...then finish the interview via cellphone from across the room carefully answering each question after consulting the still exhaused Frack with: Read "OUR" Blahg... or that's on our website - IT'S dot NET! SOMEONE'S CYBERSQUATTING ON OUR .COM but please make a donation. I need Cigarettes, coffee and gas. Your "donation" is NOT tax deductible! Did I do good Frank...errr...Proe..I mean Jack? Can we be together now? You promised to "take care" of me...
       Just #Spork me now and put me out of my misery. kthx ~kc]

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Triad of Deceit Part II...

...Proe Graphique aka Jack Cashill THE BIG BLOVIATER and Pompous ass

~by C.W.

@TP_Fire_Ants cc @jackcashill @TPFA_KathyA and the many SOCKS:

To read his so called "[#benghazi-] truth blog" is to take a trip down a seemingly endless path of the most boring run-around and never-get-to-the-point snooze fest I've ever ATTEMPTED to read. It takes this guy Proe three pages to say what could've been said in one paragraph. For those with insomnia I highly recommend this fairy tale blog instead of sleep aids. Unfortunately.a nightmare would be more entertaining!

@FrankMDavisJR/ProeGraphique (@tp_fire_ants) /@Jack Cashill have become known as the "Triad of Deceit" and there's a good reason for that. This triad (who by the way are the same person) wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the ass.

The Jack Cashill aka Proe Graphique portion of this triad considers himself a RESPECTED author and has written one or two books containing far out conspiracy theories under his real name Jack Cashill. Proe gets no credit here. I'll concede Jack wrote the books, respected, not so much.Yes folks, that was a dig!

One of his wildest theories is Frank M Davis was Obama's real father. Knowing he would damage his already dubious reputation as a bit of a loon, he created the @FrankMDavisJR character on Twitter so he could go off the deep end even further and protect his "reputation," such as it is.

Anyone that has ever seen photos or videos of Obama's half brothers can only come to one conclusion. They share the same father and there's no disputing the resemblance,especially thru the eyes.
While I'm of the opinion that Obama's birth certificate is probably fake, I only wish someone could show indisputable evidence. Several have tried but none have succeeded, YET!

Currently,Proe Graphique and his Koolaid drinking zombies are accusing twitter of left leaning policies when it comes to handing out suspensions. They may or not be liberal as charged but who cares. They're also business people that would think twice before pissing of at least half their customers.
As an example,a conservative friend of mine, Stan Hjerleid operates a cat kennel. I seriously doubt Stan cares if they're owners are liberal or conservative when he accepts their business and it's time for them to pay the tab.

Proe Graphique can't name one conservative congressman or senator that has ever been suspended. And that also includes Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin.

Suspensions have several causes: Hate speech (FrankJR); or Spamming, sending out 200 tweets at a time, trying to trend your new fraudulent donation website (Smithers)! 

Then when the consequences of your own actions come back to bite ya, you wanna piss, moan and blame Twitter. Well be a man for once. You know karma can be a bitter pill to swallow but like all sick people you've gotta take your medicine to get better. It is your own ya know! CW

[from TwiShort to Blogger w/ very minor edits by ~kc]