Saturday, July 18, 2015

Deconstructing Jack Cashill...

...or What Happens to a Washed Up Author When His Books Fail

It's no secret that I loathe this humanoid. It started nearly 2 years ago when I came upon Kathy Amidon (AmiDumb) and @FrankMDavisJR (FMDJr) on Twitter. They, the "Tea Party Fire Ants" (formerly #TPFA) used to Swarm aka Spam Congress on their TL's demanding they co-sponsor H.Res. 36 penned by Rep. Frank Wolfe (ret.) to form a Select Committee to investigate the 11 Sept. 2012 attack on the temporary post in #Benghazi.

AmiDumb's tenacity was admirable, however her tactics were reprehensible. It was apparent from the beginning that she was simply the mouthpiece for the obnoxious FMDJr and was, for all intensive purposes, a rank and vile coward hiding behind the face of his obsession: Barry Hussein Soetoro, aka Barack 0bama.

First the Ants BRAG About Being TAPPED by CONGRESS...

...Then the Ants BASH the Same Congressional Office...

Did They Recive a "Cease & Desist?"
You Decide...


It's a virtual Kafkaesque scenario...on an endless LOOP!



It appears the same screenshots have been posted over and over again [repeat] but each one has a minor change to avoid the "YOU HAVE ALREADY TWEETED THIS" error. And so it goes... From Jan. to 17 March 2015, the anniversary of the suspension of @FrankMDavisJR.

I know "EVERYONE" is dying to know what this is all about. Grab your favorite caffeinated, beverage, pack a lunch and follow the bouncing ball!