Monday, June 30, 2014

The Comment 'Proe Graphique' is Too Afraid to Publish

On June 30, 2014, in response to a ballsy accusation by Tea Party Fire Ants owner, "Proe Graphique," I made a comment on his blog called Benghazi Truth. As expected, he doesn't have the stones to leave the comment up on his blog, instead choosing to follow his normal pattern of creating false comments to make his two person group look relevant.

Proe made the ridiculous claim that one of the owners of had forged a letter to his partner, Kathy Amidon, from the Ohio Attorney General. Of course this is total nonsense but typical coming from the mind of a man widely known on the internet for being "insane." All of the owners and members of TruePatriots will be contacting the OAG to clear this up. Sadly, we've become accustomed to this type of attack from the Fire Ants and usually don't give it much thought. You'll see why after my comments.

Here is the comment I made that he refuses to post as it changes his silly narrative:

"I know you don't have the stones to leave this comment up so I'm wasting my time, but why the hell not?
Proe, honestly do you think we would be stupid enough to forge a letter from anyone? And if we did, why in God's name would it be from the Ohio Attorney General's Office when neither of you even live in Ohio? This is when I question your sanity the most. I get that your narcissism propels you to lie about your "group" and what you've accomplished. You've been making mountains out of molehills your entire life and it's benefited you. But in what manner does this benefit you? Do you have any idea how ludicrous this all sounds? Once again you've made a huge page out of things that have absolutely nothing to do with you or Kathy. Snatching stories off the internet to try and make some type of connection to your silly and paranoid accusations. Rest assured, every single person connected to True Patriots will be contacting the OAG and providing the TRUTH of what is going on, our information, etc. And this, like every other bizarre threat you've thrown at us over the past year plus, will fall to the wayside. It started with "You stepped over the legal line" then went to you were working with investigators and the cops were coming. Then it was the FBI was coming, then you made up the story about CW posting a map from Kathy's house to your house when you know damn well it wasn't. Then...hmm, let's see, ah yes, Congress and now the Ohio Attorney General. I hope you're not foolish enough to do what I think you're going to do, Proe. It won't end well. You WILL go to prison. We all have impeccable characters, records and credentials you can't twist in any of your story weaving. Unlike you, we're not hiding from anyone nor will we. All we want is for you to stop grandstanding, asking hardworking Americans for money to fund your lies, to leave us alone and especially to leave PJNET alone. Aren't you embarrassed by having to use their hashtag to get attention? I guess that's a stupid question since you're doing it on a daily basis. What is your endgame? Leave us alone, "Proe," enough is enough."
 Screenshots from when I made the comment:

As I mentioned, we're used to this grandstanding from the Fire Ants. In our entire group, the only ones who have ever got so many empty threats are the former law enforcement officers. It's almost funny at this point but this particular threat is very serious. Proe and Kathy Amidon both know damn well there is no forged letter and if they think involving us in this insane scam is a smart thing to do, they're mistaken. We fully intend on telling the OAG the entire truth and that includes the fact that they knew they were making a false claim. Former threats:
There's about thirty more but I won't bore you to death with repetitive bullshit threats from these two egomaniacs. Needless to say; been there, done that!

God Bless America!

#TP4A True Patriots For America Forever 

Glory to God in the highest

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Kathy Amidon: Queen of Mormon Hate Part Two

We have a large number of documents that demonstrate the hatred that Kathy Amidon, has for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members. We believe she began exhibiting her hatred online during the 2012 Primaries when she was campaigning for Newt Gingrich. With Mitt Romney being his main competition, she did what she's well known for on Twitter as part of the fake Tea Party group Tea Party Fire Ants; attack Conservatives. Many Christians feel that Mormons are not Christians and that their church is not a Christian church and we are not debating that. We object to the Fire Ants methods of helping Barack Obama win yet now claiming they are Conservatives when Conservatives on Twitter want nothing to do with them and they are shunned by the top Conservative groups on Twitter. The hatred shown by Amidon and Fire Ants creator and "lead strategist" Proe Graphique to Romney and Mormons in general helped solidify the 2012 win by Barack Obama. The example we present today shows that Amidon KNEW she was working in collusion with Progressives yet she stayed in the group to this very day, proudly a member of at least four anti-Mormon groups.



1. Facebook Group "Dump Romney"

2. URL to Facebook Group "Dump Romney"

3. ID line for Facebook Group "Dump Romney"

4. The Group where member XXXXXX got the photo (ARROW 5, below) "Hey Mitt Romney," a   Facebook Group called, "One Million Strong Defeated Mitt Romney" which redirects to their Facebook Group, "Forward Progressives," both owned by "" With "Progressives" being part of the name, it doesn't take a genius to figure out it's a Progressive group.

5. A photo posted on "Dump Romney"

6. The list of members who saw the post, including Kathy Amidon


Let's say Amidon somehow missed the big "Progressives Forward" photo, even with the evidence she didn't, maybe she missed her coffee that morning (hey now, maybe that's why she hates Mormons so much!) there's another post that she couldn't have missed. This one didn't require a rollover, it's in-your-face Progressive, liberal, leftist, Marxist. But again, Amidon was just fine with it and still is as of today.

That's right, Occupy. Occupy Canada. Rollover "Seen by 13" and there's Ms. Amidon's name. Coffee or no coffee, she couldn't miss that! This is no little "I think I'll jump on the Occupy train" group either. They are a very large group with a lot of members. Other than the four anti-Mormon groups Amidon follows, the groups she follows are Conservative/Right/Birther (and one we'll let you discover for yourself- be assured it probably explains an awful lot) so are her allegiances only to who she needs at the time? Perhaps Proe's outrageous claim that we faked a Facebook page of Amidon is to cover up a multitude of sins? Who knows, but this is undeniable; she seems perfectly fine with supporting Occupy because there is no way in hell she didn't see that. One more from the page of Occupy Canada:

Do you follow the Fire Ants on Twitter? They're hard to miss with their constant bragging and nonstop chatter about "liberal trolls." Just in case: Kathy Amidon is currently at @TPFA_KathyA and Proe Graphique is at @TP_Fire_Ants. They also have a bunch of "sock accounts" (F A K E...just like the Fire Ants) to make them look important. Remember, this group calls #JusticeForBenghazi4 and #PJNET "liberal trolls" yet uses their (PJNET) hashtag everyday to appear as if they have the support of PJNET. Thank you for your time.  

God Bless America!

#TP4A True Patriots For America Forever

Kathy Amidon: Queen of Mormon Hate Part One

A short post in a series demonstrating the hatred for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members by Kathy Amidon. Amidon is the so-called "Face of the Tea Party Fire Ants", a fake two person Tea Party group operating on Twitter, YouTube and a free blog. This group has no contact information, has faked Tea Party events and posted false and misleading videos in effort to make itself appear as an active, real life Tea Party. The Fire Ants have been repeatedly suspended from Twitter for their horrible attacks on Conservatives, they just start over with new handles. The have declared war on us, a small group of Patriots, for no reason other than they don't want to be exposed. The most outrageous but entertaining claim they make is that Twitter is working with us to prevent their free speech!  They have tried to make themselves appear as victims but that's simply not the case and we can prove it. We won't back down from their attacks and we will continue to tell the public about their lies. On Twitter, they routinely call Conservatives "liberal trolls" and other awful names and have went so far as to call #JusticeForBenghazi4 and #PJNET, two active Conservative groups, "liberal trolls" (yeah, it gets old) yet they use the PJNET hashtag daily because they are unable to bring in readers without it! The leader of the "group" is "Proe Graphique," a writer that used to be popular among the Birther crowd for his book on Obama and other books about wild conspiracies. Several media outlets confidently call him "insane." Both Proe and Amidon "worked" on Twitter and Facebook to get Newt Gingrich the Republican nomination. In doing so, they went after Mitt Romney and his church is a vicious manner. Amidon in particular was so cruel that she even posted things against the children of the church. Their behavior helped elect Barack Obama in 2012. Over this series of posts, we will show you how Amidon actually aligned with Progressive and anti-Mormon groups to go after Romney. As of 9:00am EST on June 29, 2014, she is still a member of at least four such groups. Today we will simply show you a screenshot of her Facebook Group memberships from today. She has already scrubbed a great deal of her content from Facebook.



  • Very top line shows browser is at Kathy Amidon's Facebook page.
  • Next shows the url for Kathy Amidon's Facebook Groups page:
  • Kathy Amidon's name in the search line.
  • Her photo, background and Groups page.
The total amount of Groups she follows is 81. Again, many were removed in the screenshot to highlight the four groups we want you to see. They are:

  • Dump Romney
  • Mormonism...The Facts
  • The Romney Experience
  • Mitt Romney's Secret Plan for America

Other than these groups, which are bad enough on their own, we've discovered 28 anti-Mormon comments made by Amidon on various Facebook pages. Most of them are pushing a video we believe was made by "Proe Graphique" and detailed in a post by KC called "Thank You @TPFA_KathyA and @TP_Fire_Ants."

We're sure you will be as shocked as we were when you see not only the content of these groups, but by the hatred expressed by this "Christian" mother and grandmother. You'll soon see why she takes no issue with the violent, evil and dangerous way her partner behaves on and off Twitter and why she is quite nasty herself.


God Bless America!

#TP4A True Patriots For America Forever

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's Called Definitive PROOF... This Point, if You Don't "Get It," Sadly...You Probably Never Will.

(Anagram, if you happen to be good at them)

The ORIGINAL "Mormon Musical" from the 2012 Tony Awards
Starring Seth Rudetsky for your ENJOYMENT ~!

Published 8 Aug. 2012

One of Amidons' besties comments on MRMMD HD:

10 June 2014 - Facebook PM from me (Kristen) to #JACKassHILL:
We should TALK, Jack...
You've said some pretty vile things about me and my (VERY) Conservative friends. As an "Investigative Reporter" I believe it is your DUTY to examine both sides of a story before putting words to white space.
So unless you have experienced any of the things you reported in your article FIRST HAND,it is your RESPONSIBILITY to allow the other side (me) to fill you in.
Regards, Kristen C. (Snow) White
Called about 10 seconds later from KC, MO, a 1-Party consent state, so it's recorded HERE... I missed the first 5 min. so it's only 16 min. of him droning on, and on, and on.

Mitts' Mormon Musical by MittsMusical YouTube Comments...

  • I AM TIRED OF BEING NICE ABOUT THIS. I hope these dorky nerds who are all excited about being delegates WAKE THE FUCK UP and get with the program on this, or if they are all going to be saying things like, "Golly, Chip! I wonder why Mitt is so low in the polls!" ROMNEY - IS - GOING - TO- LOSE - BECAUSE - EVERYONE - WILL - MAKE - FUN - OF - THE - SQUARE - UPTIGHT - WEIRDO. IT'S ALREADY STARTED. CAN ANYONE FUCKING GET IT, YET? Click on my name - MittsMusical and see the truth


    • 1 year ago

    Well, I have been bothering dozens of YOUTUBE videos includ... 
  • IMPORTANT ELECTION ILLUSTRATION: Click on my name, "Mitt'sMusical", then click "Videos/Uploads" at the top of the page and see the 3-minute video that shows how Romney's cult-like Mormon faith will be mocked by the media and why Romney must be replaced by another GOP nominee at the convention in 2 weeks. Remember, the delegates are NOT BOUND UNTIL THE CONVENTION. This can be done. We have 2 weeks. This is a serious political concern. Get the word out.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Plagiarist or Pedestrian-Wannabe Writer?

If what you're doing is so RIGHT & CONSERVATIVE @TP_Fire_Ants, WHY hide behind the name Pro(e)Graphique? It hasn't been used since 2011 and you were ALWAYS irrelevant... An avid (obviously) reader of @JackCashill (who, BTW stated you have no writing skills) you have plagiarized him with everything you've "Blogged" about from your suspected "true nativity" of Barry (you pick up EXACTLY where Cashill leaves off in the "Deconstructing [O]..." chapter, "Frank") and even adopted @FrankMDavisJR as your prized handle on @Twitter (!) to your "BlahBlog" about the "What Congress MUST DO: List" (or something similar but equally pedestrian) that has the EXACT same wording (verbatim would be redundant) from Cashill's 7 May 2014 article "Nakoula 'Scapegoat' Nakoula" (for the bored masochist, you can read it HERE). According to Cashill, your use of the Oxford comma means you have "...poor writing skills...err...he's not a Pro(e)fessional writer..." while his repetitive usage of the same is a shining example of HIS "literary excellence" [pause for effect]. Now #eyeroll. So which is it, you silly ant? Are you: 1. A plagiarist; or 2. A pedestrian-wannabe writer?


Sidebar: Apparently "Proe" hasn't spoken to himself to know that "I" spoke with @JackCashill (on 10 June 2014 around 4:45 PM PST) and he told me he did NOT speak to "Proe" nor did he read the benghazi-truth.blahBlogspot! He only talked to "Kathy" (referred to as "Amidon") a couple of times during the couple of weeks PRIOR TO the LIBELOUS, CHARACTER ASSASSINATING "articles" posted on (Cashill on 21 May 2014 & Hohmann on 1 June 2014).

cc @JosephFarah, @Jerome_Corsi, and @TP_Fire_Ants (ignore the Oxford comma, a joke only a few will "get!"), #TP4A, @sirtatters (good for a "soft" giggle!) 


Thank You @TPFA_KathyA and @TP_Fire_Ants

Disclaimer: My bad, in advance, for the name-calling. The ants piss me off on a good day, after coming across THIS crap... I have zero tolerance for people who say one thing and do another. You're a hypocrite Amidon and Cashill you're just washed up. That you need your ego stroked so badly, you would have an emotional affair with "this?" You reap what you sow old man, and Karma... she's double-dipped in Bitch-sauce.

Kathy, FrankMDavisJR / Pro (e) Graphique / Jack Cashill # TPFA Gah! 

These fake "Tea Party" FIRE ANTS take FULL CREDIT for the #Benghazi Select Committee, see their self-aggrandizing, egomaniacal "benghazi-truth" blogspotI have a difficult time with that (the claim AND the name of the blogspot). 

However, if they are going to make the claim that they are so efficient, effective, organized, influential...yada, yada... Then they need to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for things that did NOT work out so well for America ~

~IMAGINE all of the time (1,000's of hrs) and effort ("swarming" nightly) for nearly THREE MONTHS AGAINST the GOP Nominee. How did THAT work out for AMERICA?

You #Morons should be ASHAMED of yourselves.

So please, PLEASE (!) STOP whatever you're doing and THANK @TPFA_KathyA and @TP_Fire_Ants for FOUR MORE YEARS of Barry Hussein. I have to tell 'ya cupcake, it does no good to take down ALL your Facebook posts but we really dig watching you scramble (#OH #AG $Big$ #Lips #Sealed)!

If you are considering an #Alliance or
#Partnershipwith TeaPartyFireAnt
 (#TPFA) THIS is what you're getting.
Protect your reputation, maintain your
integrity, turn tail and RUN...
'Yo Jack Cashill: Shall we discuss how many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives are going to be destroyed, damaged, and (serial comma asidechanged FOREVER by four MORE years of this Progressive, Commie-Usurper (you #StupIdiot)?

...A Few Days Later...

We were doing our homework and one of our top Deet's came across THIS TIHS on  "Ryan is a RINO" to add insult to injury, there's a comment from "Pro Graphique" aka Pro(e)Graphique aka @FrankMDavisJR aka @TP_Fire_Ants: 

You know me well enough by now to know that I have, for the past nearly 6 months, believed that all of these alias' or pseudonyms or pen-names, belong to Jack Cashill.

So, I did what a good "Investigated Journalist" does (take notes Jack) and I went to Did a search for MORMON and got two results: 
American Thinker 3 July 2011 Can Mormons Now Make Fun of Gays?

It's difficult to explain, but if you follow the bouncing ball, it goes something like THIS:
  1. "Ryan is a RINO;"
  2. "Pro Graphique" Comment, with "Mitt Romney's Mormon Musical Disaster" by a YouTube dude, "MittsMusical" (we've seen Amidon [above] pimping out this video as late as 23 Aug. 2012, no it didn't occur to me to GOOGLE it, I thought it was ABSURD!);
  3. Cashill's "Can Mormons...?";
  4. Cashill's "Hillary Cheered 'Book of Mormon'..."; then WHAT??? Back to;
  5. Cashill's "Can Mormons...? and there's a photo of Seth Rudetsky, Jack's talking about listening to "Broadway Tunes" on Sirius in his car and it dawned on me, "The Book of Mormon" is a REAL Broadway show! From there I GOOGLED The Book of Mormon Rudetsky and WTF do you know! Not only is it a REAL Musical, but there's a clip from the 2012 Tony Awards and it's the same clip (pre-Romney, Palin, and tacky #clipartdude graphics) HERE that's used in the above absurd, rude, rather bigoted parody.
So yeah, I've got about 8 windows open - my eyes are all wide - my jaw is dropped - I'm shaking my head - and I'm trying to decide if I should CALL someone or just try to put everything in an email. I did both. Got voicemail then ended up with TWO long, confusing emails with links and screenshots (my bad buddies!).

This isn't over... If only they were spiders and NOT members of cockroach family...


Monday, June 16, 2014

Fire Ants? ...What?

As the "Fire Ants" (FA) take credit for being INSTRUMENTAL in helping Representative Frank Wolf pass H. Res. 36, calling for a S/C to investigate the massacre in Benghazi, Libya (11 Sept 2012), it's interesting to note that the young lady who answers Rep. Wolfs' phone has never heard of the fake Tea Party Fire Ants. If you visit Rep. Wolfs' .gov website, there's no mention of the FA's anywhere. (Jill, I think is her name, is the soft-spoken quizzical voice that says, "no...?" a lot, I'm the louder voice and yes, I'm available to read books for audio publishing. Joking!) Here's the audio:

BLOGGER DOESN'T SUPPORT AUDIO FILES! It's on GOOGLE DRIVE - Leave a COMMENT, I'll get you a Link to Listen!

When you consider all of the hard work that was done on behalf of Rep. Wolf (R-VA, Dist.10), it was not HRes36 that was responsible for the Select Committee at all, but Speaker John Boehner who called for the investigation. Please take some time to thank @SpeakerBoehner for allowing this to move forward. After nearly 2 long years, I venture to say: Better LATE than NEVER!

After you thank Speaker Boehner, please take a minute out of your busy day to personally THANK @TP_Fire_Ants and @TPFA_KathyA for whatever valiant effort they made to pass the House Resolution that wasn't. They are in desperate need of some EGO-massaging before they move on to their NEW obsession: DEMANDING that Congress "Investigate the Social Media Platform 'Twitter'..."

You see, Twitter was mean when they suspended their previous handles @FrankMDavisJR (aka "Deconstructing..." author Jack Cashill) and 6 or 7 of his mouthpiece, Kathy Amidon's accounts for "Harassment & Abuse." It's been a couple of months now and the FA's don't seem to have the strength or, like their "in-nature" counterparts, the spine and/or body-armor to accept what is and move on. So the harassment continues, only not as brutal and without "@replies" so we aren't privvy to their nastiness unless we physically "visit" their timelines (TL) which I'm not inclined to do very often. We have also been "ORDERED" off of "their hashtag" however, that's not going happen.

That said, "Gentle Reader," Join the Conversation on Twitter! Use (h/t) #TPFA (dissolving into #TP4A to avoid being confused or associated with the FA's) True Patriots For(4AMERICA talk about REAL ISSUES with REAL PEOPLE!

Addendum: We are NOT associated with the (toxic) tea party fire ants in any way, shape or form.

(Originally posted 17 April 2014 on Since that time the FA's have "ANNOUNCED" that there "WILL BE" a House Committee Investigation of the #Twitter #Trolls on about three different occasions. However, I have been unable to verify this "statement" with any Rep I've contacted, nor has Amidon responded to my numerous requests to provide the name of the Rep who "she" is obtaining her "verification" from. Interesting though, that it took them [the Fire Ants] 17 months and thousands of combined hours of DAILY "swarming" to get the Select Cmte on the very REAL issue of #Benghazi, yet within a couple of DAYS they were able to get a House vote & enough support behind their @Twitter cause...Ponder that!)

Please Amidon, who is your "House Rep?" Inquiring minds would like to know!

Congress? #PJNET? BRING IT.

We were asked by someone to sum up this entire Congress jazz from the Fire Ants. Thank you to the person who asked, your interest is very appreciated! (ALS)

Here we go with the "Congressional Review" crap from the two member Tea Party Fire Ants:

We are THRILLED, if this is true this time. Remember months ago they made this claim:

 And who could forget this one:

Yes, you got it. Congress is going to investigate "Proe" and Kathy Amidon's suspensions from Twitter (I'll give you a sec to wipe the hysterical tears from your eyes.) They claim that Twitter is working with "us" to take away their free speech! Two articles on WND, a "big surprise" coming up this week (another article, by Jack Cashill? Maybe at American Thinker?) and still no results from the relentless attacks on Conservatives. Actual members? No. Mass exodus of followers from any of the True Patriots Twitter accounts? No (huge increases in fact.) Really, what the hell do they want?

It was established long ago that Jack Cashill has an ego the size of Missouri and New Jersey combined. Good thing there's family money to fall back on. Just where was Cashill during the Vietnam War anyway? Amidon has nothing to fall back on except the state and Social Security, which she's supposedly taking full advantage of. How do they say that? "Ah...but I digress." What do they want? They refuse to leave several people on Twitter alone as they've been asked. They have been publicly slapped down, hard, by Harriet Baldwin, an UNTOUCHABLE Patriot and conservative. No one gives a hoot about their claims, articles, blah, blah, blah. What will it take?


We're guessing they haven't really thought this through. See, all the colorful text and fancy fonts in the world won't save them from the TRUTH.
  • No hiding behind anonymous names
  • Twitter accounts of @FrankMDavisJr, @KathyAmidon (1-499), @KathyPrimadona, @T_P_FireAnts and all of the variations; all provided to Congress. 
  • Screen shots like some of the ones below
  • IP numbers, including one from Tennessee going to HUNDREDS of times. 
  • REAL statistics, REAL members and REALITY in general
Get the idea? We do! So, as disgusted as we are at the Fire Ants for forcing our already swamped Congress into this absurd, fake fight, we're also delighted. The games won't work with Congress. They will easily see there's been no collusion with the Fire Ants victims and Twitter. IPs and such can't be faked. "Proe" often uses proxies to do his dirty work. You would think with his background in investigative journalism he would know how easy it is to determine a proxy was used and its actual path. In fact, it's something our government learned a lot about in 2004. Maybe he should look it up?

What is truly disturbing about this, aside from the obvious, is that there's possibly a Representative that's buying their bullshit. This rep is going to be beyond pissed off when he discovers the truth and we can't wait. The media will salivate over the "hilariously inept conspiracy theorist" getting popped as the unhinged, stark raving mad "lead strategist" of a fake Tea Party ("But...but...we have letters from reps!")

They've spent the past week orchestrating some new surprise. Surely it will be big. But will it be any more effective than the others? No. The bottom line hasn't changed. This small group of Patriots haven't broke the law, look forward to a Congressional review if it's true this time and whatever else they want to serve up. The Fire Ants will keep crowing like a bunch of loons. The biggest mistake they've made is to try and take on #PJNET. The man that runs PJNET and is fiercely protective of America and a true Christian Conservative. The Fire Ants have instantly made themselves Enemy Number One to thousands of Conservatives on Twitter. Their threats are thinly veiled:

Funny how they threaten them, then turn around and use their hashtag to gain attention! They know they have zero traction any other way so why not tag yourself on to the most effective Conservative group on Twitter? Notice all the retweets? No, neither did we. There are two, one from Kathy (they always RT each other) and one from a fake account. Big surprise. Mr. Cashill is obviously accustomed to making himself appear to be the Big Dog in the yard. In going after PJNET, he really is barking up the wrong tree. PJNET members are loyal Conservatives and won't take too kindly to being falsely accused of being "liberal trolls" but wherever there's a person who disagrees with the Mighty Proe Graphique, there's a liberal troll. Yawn.

We're setting up a master list of their real and fake accounts in preparation. In the meantime, you can check out the self-promotion that IS the Fire Ants at @TP_Fire_Ants and @TPFA_KathyA on Twitter. If you're a member of #PJNET, be sure to tell them to BACK OFF of PJNET!

Some screen shots of just a few of the past attacks on Conservatives and what REAL and respected Conservatives think of the Tea Party Fire Ants (aka TPFA):


Anna aka "True"

Addendum: Amidon, Cashill/Proe/Frank #Gah! Take FULL CREDIT for the #Benghazi Select Committee I have a difficult time with that. However, if they are going to make claims that they are so efficient, effective, organized, influential...yada, yada...Then they need to TAKE CREDIT for things that did NOT work out so well for America ~

~IMAGINE all of the time (1,000's of hrs) and effort ("swarming" nightly) for nearly THREE MONTHS AGAINST the GOP Nominee! How did THAT work out for AMERICA? You #Morons should be ASHAMED of yourselves...

If you are considering an #Alliance with TeaPartyFireAnts (#TPFA) THIS is what you're getting. Protect your reputation, maintain your integrity, turn tail, and RUN... ~kc