Sunday, June 29, 2014

Kathy Amidon: Queen of Mormon Hate Part Two

We have a large number of documents that demonstrate the hatred that Kathy Amidon, has for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members. We believe she began exhibiting her hatred online during the 2012 Primaries when she was campaigning for Newt Gingrich. With Mitt Romney being his main competition, she did what she's well known for on Twitter as part of the fake Tea Party group Tea Party Fire Ants; attack Conservatives. Many Christians feel that Mormons are not Christians and that their church is not a Christian church and we are not debating that. We object to the Fire Ants methods of helping Barack Obama win yet now claiming they are Conservatives when Conservatives on Twitter want nothing to do with them and they are shunned by the top Conservative groups on Twitter. The hatred shown by Amidon and Fire Ants creator and "lead strategist" Proe Graphique to Romney and Mormons in general helped solidify the 2012 win by Barack Obama. The example we present today shows that Amidon KNEW she was working in collusion with Progressives yet she stayed in the group to this very day, proudly a member of at least four anti-Mormon groups.



1. Facebook Group "Dump Romney"

2. URL to Facebook Group "Dump Romney"

3. ID line for Facebook Group "Dump Romney"

4. The Group where member XXXXXX got the photo (ARROW 5, below) "Hey Mitt Romney," a   Facebook Group called, "One Million Strong Defeated Mitt Romney" which redirects to their Facebook Group, "Forward Progressives," both owned by "" With "Progressives" being part of the name, it doesn't take a genius to figure out it's a Progressive group.

5. A photo posted on "Dump Romney"

6. The list of members who saw the post, including Kathy Amidon


Let's say Amidon somehow missed the big "Progressives Forward" photo, even with the evidence she didn't, maybe she missed her coffee that morning (hey now, maybe that's why she hates Mormons so much!) there's another post that she couldn't have missed. This one didn't require a rollover, it's in-your-face Progressive, liberal, leftist, Marxist. But again, Amidon was just fine with it and still is as of today.

That's right, Occupy. Occupy Canada. Rollover "Seen by 13" and there's Ms. Amidon's name. Coffee or no coffee, she couldn't miss that! This is no little "I think I'll jump on the Occupy train" group either. They are a very large group with a lot of members. Other than the four anti-Mormon groups Amidon follows, the groups she follows are Conservative/Right/Birther (and one we'll let you discover for yourself- be assured it probably explains an awful lot) so are her allegiances only to who she needs at the time? Perhaps Proe's outrageous claim that we faked a Facebook page of Amidon is to cover up a multitude of sins? Who knows, but this is undeniable; she seems perfectly fine with supporting Occupy because there is no way in hell she didn't see that. One more from the page of Occupy Canada:

Do you follow the Fire Ants on Twitter? They're hard to miss with their constant bragging and nonstop chatter about "liberal trolls." Just in case: Kathy Amidon is currently at @TPFA_KathyA and Proe Graphique is at @TP_Fire_Ants. They also have a bunch of "sock accounts" (F A K E...just like the Fire Ants) to make them look important. Remember, this group calls #JusticeForBenghazi4 and #PJNET "liberal trolls" yet uses their (PJNET) hashtag everyday to appear as if they have the support of PJNET. Thank you for your time.  

God Bless America!

#TP4A True Patriots For America Forever

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