Saturday, June 21, 2014

Thank You @TPFA_KathyA and @TP_Fire_Ants

Disclaimer: My bad, in advance, for the name-calling. The ants piss me off on a good day, after coming across THIS crap... I have zero tolerance for people who say one thing and do another. You're a hypocrite Amidon and Cashill you're just washed up. That you need your ego stroked so badly, you would have an emotional affair with "this?" You reap what you sow old man, and Karma... she's double-dipped in Bitch-sauce.

Kathy, FrankMDavisJR / Pro (e) Graphique / Jack Cashill # TPFA Gah! 

These fake "Tea Party" FIRE ANTS take FULL CREDIT for the #Benghazi Select Committee, see their self-aggrandizing, egomaniacal "benghazi-truth" blogspotI have a difficult time with that (the claim AND the name of the blogspot). 

However, if they are going to make the claim that they are so efficient, effective, organized, influential...yada, yada... Then they need to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for things that did NOT work out so well for America ~

~IMAGINE all of the time (1,000's of hrs) and effort ("swarming" nightly) for nearly THREE MONTHS AGAINST the GOP Nominee. How did THAT work out for AMERICA?

You #Morons should be ASHAMED of yourselves.

So please, PLEASE (!) STOP whatever you're doing and THANK @TPFA_KathyA and @TP_Fire_Ants for FOUR MORE YEARS of Barry Hussein. I have to tell 'ya cupcake, it does no good to take down ALL your Facebook posts but we really dig watching you scramble (#OH #AG $Big$ #Lips #Sealed)!

If you are considering an #Alliance or
#Partnershipwith TeaPartyFireAnt
 (#TPFA) THIS is what you're getting.
Protect your reputation, maintain your
integrity, turn tail and RUN...
'Yo Jack Cashill: Shall we discuss how many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives are going to be destroyed, damaged, and (serial comma asidechanged FOREVER by four MORE years of this Progressive, Commie-Usurper (you #StupIdiot)?

...A Few Days Later...

We were doing our homework and one of our top Deet's came across THIS TIHS on  "Ryan is a RINO" to add insult to injury, there's a comment from "Pro Graphique" aka Pro(e)Graphique aka @FrankMDavisJR aka @TP_Fire_Ants: 

You know me well enough by now to know that I have, for the past nearly 6 months, believed that all of these alias' or pseudonyms or pen-names, belong to Jack Cashill.

So, I did what a good "Investigated Journalist" does (take notes Jack) and I went to Did a search for MORMON and got two results: 
American Thinker 3 July 2011 Can Mormons Now Make Fun of Gays?

It's difficult to explain, but if you follow the bouncing ball, it goes something like THIS:
  1. "Ryan is a RINO;"
  2. "Pro Graphique" Comment, with "Mitt Romney's Mormon Musical Disaster" by a YouTube dude, "MittsMusical" (we've seen Amidon [above] pimping out this video as late as 23 Aug. 2012, no it didn't occur to me to GOOGLE it, I thought it was ABSURD!);
  3. Cashill's "Can Mormons...?";
  4. Cashill's "Hillary Cheered 'Book of Mormon'..."; then WHAT??? Back to;
  5. Cashill's "Can Mormons...? and there's a photo of Seth Rudetsky, Jack's talking about listening to "Broadway Tunes" on Sirius in his car and it dawned on me, "The Book of Mormon" is a REAL Broadway show! From there I GOOGLED The Book of Mormon Rudetsky and WTF do you know! Not only is it a REAL Musical, but there's a clip from the 2012 Tony Awards and it's the same clip (pre-Romney, Palin, and tacky #clipartdude graphics) HERE that's used in the above absurd, rude, rather bigoted parody.
So yeah, I've got about 8 windows open - my eyes are all wide - my jaw is dropped - I'm shaking my head - and I'm trying to decide if I should CALL someone or just try to put everything in an email. I did both. Got voicemail then ended up with TWO long, confusing emails with links and screenshots (my bad buddies!).

This isn't over... If only they were spiders and NOT members of cockroach family...


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