Monday, August 17, 2015

Jack Cashill Interviews Himself for "Yellow ( Piece"

How Twitter empowers liberal trolls
Posted By Jack Cashill on 05/21/2014 @ 7:09 pm In Commentary,Opinion | No Comments
Twitter stock is falling as I write, and I know at least one reason why. It is a thoroughly unstable, politically loaded environment and not at all the open-minded marketplace of ideas it pretends to be.

Stockholders cannot be happy. In fact, they have every right to be upset. The day after Christmas Twitter was trading at very nearly $75 a share. Today it is trading at $31 a share.

For those groomed on Common Core math, this means that if you had invested $10,000 in December, you would have already lost more than $5,800.

Although a fan of Facebook, I never much trusted Twitter and have used it only sparingly. So I was surprised about a month or so back to find my “Notifications” box cluttered with cryptic messages that seemed to be attacking me from the right.

A little naïve, I sent a polite email to the sender asking what he was hoping to accomplish and received a snippy, cryptic response in return.

Doing just a little digging, I stumbled into a sad, nasty little underworld of whose existence I had been only dimly aware.

As best I could figure, a small corps (pronounced “corpse” in Obama-speak) of liberal trolls had concluded that I was the co-leader of an extremely effective group called the Tea Party Fire Ants (TPFA) who had been tweeting under the name “Frank M Davis JR.”

For reasons of his employment, that individual remains anonymous. As I have since learned, he is a very bright, media-savvy guy from the East Coast who goes by the name “Proe.”

Through effective use of Twitter, Proe and his brave co-leader, Kathy Amidon, played a major role in getting 192 congressmen to co-sponsor House Resolution 36, the bill establishing a select committee to investigate and report on the Benghazi attack.

Their success invited a series of relentless, coordinated false-flag attacks from the trolls. By pretending to be conservatives, they attempt to discredit the TPFA and confuse its followers.

This is an old Marxist trick. As I reported last month, the KGB and its homegrown allies – Jim Jones of Jonestown fame for instance – made a practice of sending hate messages to African-Americans and other minorities on conservative letterhead to incite a reaction against the right.

The trolls do much the same now, and they obviously have time on their hands. On one day last week, a certain troll sent me more than 25 uniquely illustrated tweets along the lines of “Dear Jack, when are you going to step out of the‪@FrankMDavisJR closet? Stop playing stupid!”

Jack Cashill’s investigative-reporting skills shine in his many books — see them now in WND’s SuperstoreI got nothing. Using "Jack Cashill" and "investigative-reporting skills" in the same sentence is the epitome of an oxymoron.

One tweet used an illustration of me with comic balloons whose commentary mentioned my apolitical wife by name and implied a relationship between me and Amidon, whom I’ve never met. That’s the way the trolls roll.

Given the quality of the trolls’ graphics and the volume of their attacks, Proe and Amidon are convinced that someone with deep pockets is funding the trolls’ operation. Either that or these trolls are some really sick puppies.

For me the trolls are a minor nuisance. For people like Proe and Amidon, they can all but block the Tea Party Fire Ants’ [sic] ability to communicate.

Were Twitter policing the universe it created fairly, its security apparatus could shut down this mischief in a heartbeat. What the trolls are doing is arguably criminal. But from all appearances, Twitter is playing anything but fair.

Indeed, one of the women providing graphics for the trolls boasts on her personal site of having “worked for Twitter.” This may speak to the mindset of the San Francisco-based corporation.

As a testament to the same, a certain “Clarence Silkwow” spent months defaming and cyber-bullying Amidon with impunity despite requests for intervention by the Fire Ants.

An allied troll posted a map to Amidon’s home on Twitter and listed personal information available nowhere else. Another posted an image of a gravestone with the names of Proe and Amidon on it. They, too, continue to post without consequence.

A female troll, a self-described Wiccan, has called Amidon at home and left any number of disturbing messages. She, too, continues to tweet in good standing. This would be me. Prior to the writing of this piece of Yellow Journalistic bu77$h!t, I had called Amidon twice. Both times to inform her of "Proe's" TRUE IDENTITY. The real question is: WHY WOULD CASHILL EXPECT TWITTER TO SUSPEND ME FOR LEAVING AMIDON 2 VOICEMAIL'S THAT I'VE INVITED HER TO POST ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS IF, IN FACT, HE'S A PROPONENT OF Free Speech?

When Amidon responded at one point, “CLARENCE’S TROLLS ATTACKING #TPFA ARE LIKE NAZIS: psychotic sadists. SEE science article on internet trolls,” Twitter suspended Amidon.

To get Amidon suspended, the trolls appealed directly and publicly to a “@Delbius,” a woman named Del Harvey, who is the senior director of trust and safety for Twitter.

According to Harvey’s Linked-In posting, “Trust and Safety’s mandate is to ensure user trust, protect user rights, and craft and enforce policies for areas with legal components.” From all appearances, Harvey is protecting user rights very selectively.

“The trolls cry to her all the time for suspensions of conservatives over comparatively nothing, and suspensions happen,” says Proe.

“TPFA member accounts are suspended routinely,” Proe continues, “while the trolls who do things like post Kathy’s unlisted current address online with maps how to get there have never been suspended by Twitter despite endless complaints.”

Harvey apparently never graduated from college and before Twitter had worked only as a paid activist at a dubious anti-predator enterprise called “Perverted Justice.”

Among the causes “Del cares about” are children, civil rights, social action and human rights. Among the causes she does not seem to care about is free speech.

“If nothing else,” says Proe, “it is plain the Twitter administration is pretty arrogant as well as utterly irresponsible.”

Twitter shareholders have got to start asking how Harvey got her job and whether her apparent facilitation of potentially criminal leftist cyber-bullying will lead to a congressional investigation. One may very well be in the works.

“If something isn’t done,” says Proe, “hundreds of thousands of lives will likely be ruined by Twitter. In my opinion, that is in no way an exaggeration.”

Media wishing to interview Jack Cashill, please contact No doubt, the "Media wishing to interview..." Proe — err...Jack Cashill — are having to wait MONTHS to do so.

Article printed from WND:
URL to article:

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Deconstructing Jack Cashill...

...or What Happens to a Washed Up Author When His Books Fail

It's no secret that I loathe this humanoid. It started nearly 2 years ago when I came upon Kathy Amidon (AmiDumb) and @FrankMDavisJR (FMDJr) on Twitter. They, the "Tea Party Fire Ants" (formerly #TPFA) used to Swarm aka Spam Congress on their TL's demanding they co-sponsor H.Res. 36 penned by Rep. Frank Wolfe (ret.) to form a Select Committee to investigate the 11 Sept. 2012 attack on the temporary post in #Benghazi.

AmiDumb's tenacity was admirable, however her tactics were reprehensible. It was apparent from the beginning that she was simply the mouthpiece for the obnoxious FMDJr and was, for all intensive purposes, a rank and vile coward hiding behind the face of his obsession: Barry Hussein Soetoro, aka Barack 0bama.

First the Ants BRAG About Being TAPPED by CONGRESS...

...Then the Ants BASH the Same Congressional Office...

Did They Recive a "Cease & Desist?"
You Decide...


It's a virtual Kafkaesque scenario...on an endless LOOP!



It appears the same screenshots have been posted over and over again [repeat] but each one has a minor change to avoid the "YOU HAVE ALREADY TWEETED THIS" error. And so it goes... From Jan. to 17 March 2015, the anniversary of the suspension of @FrankMDavisJR.

I know "EVERYONE" is dying to know what this is all about. Grab your favorite caffeinated, beverage, pack a lunch and follow the bouncing ball!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The IDIOCY of the Progressive Liberal Left II...

...Must be Exposed!

Honestly, it doesn't get stupider than this! Amidon's all trippin' on the YouTube "Views" of their COPYRIGHT infringed version of "Orwell's Obama" in 3D...

Someone teach the ANT how to use GOOGLE, and quick, before she gets suspended for posting fxcking SPAM!
2nd round BEGGING for VIEWS.

Even if she blocks you, you can watch her idiocy in REAL TIME...
...if you're dying of boredom!

So many people are asking questions about "frozen views
or "stuck views" that I decided to spend considerable time 
investigating this issue. 

First of all, I hope you're aware that YouTube has radically 
changed the way it counts "views". Gone are the old days 
when a simple "click" meant a "view". Lots of people were 
falsely inflating their own "views" this way, or using "spam 
bots" and "increasers" to artificially generate those "views", 
trying to make their videos appear more popular than they 
really were. This was written in YouTube's blog of Mar. 13: 

But there were several things YouTube never said. And all 
the discussion boards/threads/forums I have come across 
haven't said a thing either, thus I may have some answers: 

For the first 200-or-so views (sometimes it'll go up till 300), 
"all is fair" -- meaning it does not matter how those "views" 
were generated, cheating or otherwise. They're permanent. 
After that, YouTube checks up on those views to see how 
many were actually "legitimate". If YouTube feels that any 
of them were suspicious, they'll "freeze" the view count till 
the number of "real views" matches the 200 or 300. 

What exactly is a "real view"? I have a feeling that it might 
be something like 30 seconds or maybe a ¼ the length of 
the video. Anything less than that is either not considered 
a view, or perhaps it's a half-view. 

Why 200 or 300? And why the small variations/differences 
for those people stuck at 206, 301 or 315? YouTube won't 
ever tell you (or anyone) this, but most ordinary videos get 
1 "rating" for about every 200 to 300 views, while the extra 
popular videos get 1 rating for about every 50 or 100. Thus 
anything which "deviates" from those norms is considered 
suspicious. (I'm pretty sure that YouTube probably has an 
equivalent formula for "comments", but I do not know what 
those minimums/maximums might be). 

Also taken into consideration would be: 1 -- the number of 
different computers that have watched your video, 2 -- how 
many of those views were actually derived from the "same" 
computers, and 3 -- the "pace" at which people clicked on 
your video. If you have friends who legitimately watch your 
video, but do it repeatedly maybe every few minutes/hours, 
I believe that only some of those views count, and that the 
others are set aside. 

YouTube (and Google) have statistics for everything, more 
than we'll ever know. Thus, I'm sure there are other factors 
too -- like the "proportionality" of those views compared to 
your previous video(s). In other words, if before all this you 
were only getting 5 views a day, how can it be that all of a 
sudden you're getting 200 if your total subscribers has not 
gone up significantly? 

All this helps to explain why your views are "stuck" at 315 
while the person who uploaded Susan Boyle and "Britain's 
Got Talent" had over 20,000,000 after just a couple weeks: 
-- those numbers were not derived from "bots", 
-- people watched for more than 30+ seconds, 
-- the ratings are not "disproportionate" at all, 
-- tons of computers have watched this video, 
-- nobody reclicked after a few short seconds, 
-- there's no way that Susan Boyle had that many "friends" 
on YouTube trying to "inflate the views".

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All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The IDIOCY of the Progressive Liberal Left...


We at believe with 99% certainty that ColdPorkChop-dude is another manifestation of @FrankMDavisJR aka @TP_Fire_Ants aka "ProeGraphique" aka Jack Cashill.

  • The FIRE ANTS all Follow and Block the same people.
  • The FIRE ANT SOCK-accounts were all created around the same time.
  • ALL of the SOCKS have a penchant for RT'ing True Patriots Followers that themselves have 10-100k's Followers with the hopes of being Followed Back for their "effort."
  • Their "efforts" are 100% EPIC FAILURES just like Cashill's books.
  • ColdPorkChop and Amidon are usually on at the same time, and while Amidon's hard-on for me continues, Cashill (as coldporkchop) is still obsessed with @henryjackp.
The FIRE ANTS are a toxic fringe-faction of the successful grassroots movement known as The TEA Party. It is fringe groups (of 2-3) like this that have damaged the credibility of the TEA Party and give the left more fuel for fodder. It is shameful and disgusting. These two ants do nothing but attack true Patriots, true Conservatives and true Reagan (R)epublicans with their rhetorical bullshit. 

Thankfully, Cashills' manifesto-like blahg is ignored by mainstream Tweeters and his YouTube video "productions" have gone the way of his yellow journalism. The only viewers are those he's allows to purchase with this wifes weekly allowance.

So much for Jack leaving Joanie to "take care" of Amidon...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015




Will someone PLEASE HIRE THIS HUMANOID and PAY HER to DO NOTHING! She's a pathogical liar, but would do quite well "working" somewhere, in a solitary room with access to @Twitter and a direct line to her #TwitterManWhore, @JackCashill (alter egos: @StampOutTrolls, @TP_Fire_Ants and the infamous @FrankMDavisJR). She'll need to work the night shift since she can only call her "special friend" late at night when his wife's a different house...up the Street.

She's VERY GOOD at research: ★She found my Tax Roll Information; ★using demographics she obtained from a "donation" I made to her fraudulent "entity"; and ★She found my dad two time zones away, here in Cali with the #KrayKray in TN and called him to confirm my information (including my name, she wants to be a Princess and has a difficult with the #fact my last name IS "Snow-White) When she called my dad, she claimed to be a "Congressional Advisor" doing an "investigation" into [MY] "Illegal @Twitter activity." Which, BTW is limited to getting 7 or 8 of her previous 12 or 13 accts. suspended for "HARASSMENT & ABUSE" and using "MULITPLE ACCTS for...[nefarious] purposes"

Her skills are limited, but she is AS GOOD at playing the "#victim" as she is at lying and manipulating the truth into her twisted delusional reality. So if you need a stand-up #FireAntand her "skill set" meets your needs, help some #TruePatriots out & put this PROUD DEDICATED PATHOLOGICAL LIAR on your PAYROLL for doing nothing and give her some "Reality" to tweet about! Thank you in advance.

Much appreciated,
Kristen Snow-White #TP4A#TPFA

PS: @wilandkate @_CFJ_ #OiP @Noboohooin @BossHoggUSMC #tcot #usmc #PJNET @diana_west_ She claimed #VICTORY for the @foxNews boycott, but @OneAmericaNews/@OANN won't touch her with a 10 ft. cattle prod. she would do well in a satirical bs-segment AFTER #RedEye, behind the scenes doing research on #Trollsand #FireAnts. @sirtatters, @elliemae0404, She rides on the coattails of the highly successful grassroots #teaparty, maybe take some pity & show her how to work WITH Conservatives and not AGAINST their efforts every step of the way. She's real good at emailing congress and making it appear as though they've responded to her. She works with her #PimpDaddy Jack, and seems to agree with yellow-jounalistic approach to article writing, so in closing I would ask that @worldnetdaily, @josephfarah, @jerome_corsi and @runruh take a good look at Amidon's Twitter career, she could maybe proofread or do some sick research & verify all of Cashill's words. I think I'm on to something there...@LamarSmithTx21, she appears to have numerous made up emails TO your OFFICE so you know just how deep her neurosis runs...We've been working with your office though, so maybe help US out and put in a good word with a (D) Rep that you don't care for, in TN of course, that where she parks her car. @stanhjerleid, @henryjackp@DailySignal and @KenMac55 - We have a LOT of information for that "article" the #FireAnts (@applepieallgone) are begging you to write about Amidon. Please check out both sides of the "story" - Ours is #Fact, theirs is #Fiction. Last and #seriously least, Barry Hussein should consider paying her to FIND #TROLLS, she's like a congested-truffle sniffing pig, but I firmly believe you CAN "Teach an OLD DOG New Tricks!" She WILL sniff out some trolls for you to pay!

Plz #RT so EVERYONE has the opportunity to hire this delusional, unskilled worker before they hire an illegal alien to do the "#job" she's so desperate for. #FACT!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Shattered Glass & @TP_Fire_Ants by @henryjackp

Shattered Glass & @TP_Fire_Ants 
(aka Proe Graphique or Stephen Glass revisited)

Who is Stephen Glass you may ask and what does he have to do with PG? i.e Proe Graphique. Nothing directly but I'll explain. Stephen Glass was an up and coming young journalist with an editorial magazine called The New Republic TNR from 1995 to 1998. A film was later made about his short lived career at TNR entitled Shattered Glass. I've seen the film twice and found it very interesting and entertaining but most of all enlightening. If you have never seen it I highly recommend it. It's a tale of how one narcissistic and cunning journalist managed to pull the wool over his boss Charles (Chuck) Lane's eyes as well as the TNR staff and the public in general. ((FYI Charles Lane can currently be seen as semi regular panelist on FoxNews Special Report with Bret Baer.)) 

Of the 41 articles that Stephen Glass wrote over a 3 year period, 27 were found to be totally or in part pure fabrications. And of the remaining 14 they're not even sure about those either. His yellow journalism skills would've made him William Randolph Hearst's number one boy. Fortunately Stephen's world came tumbling down in May 1998 when his stories were checked out by the fact checkers and the rest is history as they say.

Incidentally, Stephen also bares a very strong resemblance to a certain Jack Cashill. WOW what a coincidence! 
This link is a must read => After reading and studying this link, is it all just a coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO!

Now enter PG, (Proe Graphique) The similarities between him and Stephen Glass are overwhelming. The only difference is PG has not yet been fully exposed, but it's being worked on.

PG and his partner in crime Kathy Amidon have run several scams from donation scams (to which she is the sole beneficiary) to false articles and accusations in his so called "Truth blog spot" that makes ya wanna Gag and Spit.

One of his more infamous claims is that Frank Marshal Davis is Obama's real father. Now that takes quite an imagination, either that or a reprobate mind. In his case it's the latter. He has tried relentlessly to pawn this myth onto the twitter public for several years with little or no success. And claims of thousands of views for his silly video of Frank M Davis morphing into Obama doesn't necessarily equal thousands of converts and believers. Only in his narcissistic arrogant reprobate mind is it so. However, I have noticed one thing, he seems very hesitant to try to perpetuate this myth upon the congressman and Senators he's trying to court. Why is that PG? Are you afraid your credibility might suffer? Well I got news for you, you've got no credibility to worry about losing in the first place.

His latest invention and myth to date is that he and Kathy have been called upon by Congress and Rep Lamar Smith to investigate a liberal troll entity known as TRUTHY. This is not only a pure fabrication and a figment of their imagination but also very strange considering that they have a troll army of their own i.e. With this "Stamp out trolls" character in the lead role.

Incidentally these people at TPFA have quite a sordid history as outlined by Stan Hjerleid, a well respected conservative blogger that was there at the beginning and actually was instrumental in helping their TPFA (TeaPartyFireAnt) movement get off the ground. What started out to be a noble cause, the fight for a Benghazi select committee was ruined by the narcissistic and overbearing attitude of PG aka Frank M Davis JR. Read details here => 

Yes, Stephen Glass and Proe Graohique have much in common, so much so you'd think they were both spawned by the same barracuda! Perhaps one day when PG is fully exposed and brought down to earth they'll make a film of his life and fabrications entitled Shattered Ass. Until then all anyone can do is call him out for every lie and every half truth and fabrication that he spews out! 

Google for the details on Stephen Glass then watch for similarities in PG's twitter TL. And please check out our website at #TP4A and like us on FaceBook. Thank you @henryjackp