Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kansas Judge violates the Constitution.

This is an example of having in office the right person who will uphold our constitutional protections. If you live in Johnson County or know someone who does, send this to them. Judge Moriarty should NOT be retained.

You probably know by now that Johnson CountyKansas District Judge Kevin Moriarty arbitrarily ordered the County Clerk and staff to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples on Wednesday, Oct 8th.  This has been in the news and on talk radio pretty much nonstop since then.

What you may not know, is that Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt filed a petition with the Kansas Supreme Court to put a stop to this illegal order by Judge Moriarty.

You see, the Judge, along with every other elected or appointed official in the state and national government takes an oath, a legally binding and sacred testament, to uphold and defend the Constitution of the State of Kansas and the Constitution of the United States.  The Kansas Constitution was amended in April of 2005 by a vote of 70% of the people of Kansas, to prohibit same-sex marriages.  It is the law of the land.

 [Kevin Moriarty has faced some controversy in the past, being accused of sexual harassment in a divorce case in 2007, although the Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications filed an ethical complaint against the plaintiff, charging she made false accusations.  The plaintiff claims her accusations were never investigated by KCJQ.  

Moriarty was appointed by Democrat Governor Kathleen Sebelius to his current position in 2004.  Sebelius was pulled from the Governor’s office in 2009 to serve as President Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary, where she spearheaded the rollout of Obamacare.

Today, Friday, October 10th, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled to uphold the Kansas Constitution which reads under Article 15, Section 16:
(a)   “The Marriage contract is to be considered in law as a civil contract. Marriage shall be constituted by one man and one woman only.  All other marriages are declared to be contrary to the public policy of this state and are void.

(b)   No relationship, other than marriage, shall be recognized by the state as entitling the parties to the rights or incidents of marriage.”

The Court went on to state that Moriarty’s order was not in the best interest of Kansas citizens and is “plainly contrary to Kansas law and was issued without legal justification or authority”.  Included in the Supreme Court statement regarding the Judge’s arbitrary action, “Nothing in the order appointing Judge Moriarty as chief judge of the Tenth Judicial District implies he has the authority to decide cases that have never been brought, or to issue declarations concerning alleged constitutional defects in laws that have never been challenged in any judicial proceeding.”

All the appropriate documents can be seen here:

Attorney General Derek Schmidt should be commended for his expedient action to block this affront to the People of Kansas.

I would remind people in Johnson County that Judge Kevin Moriarty is up for retention on the ballot on November 4th.   For a Judge who believes he can choose which laws he will obey, or enforce, perhaps the voters should remind him who makes the laws, and who decides who gets to wear the robes of judgment.

Vote “NO” to retain Judge Moriarty!

That is all.

"And David spake...saying,'...who is this this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?'" 1 Sam.17:26

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