Tuesday, January 27, 2015

DONATION FRAUD ALERT! by @henryjackp

@TPFA_KathyA_1 (Kathy Amidon) DONATION FRAUD ALERT! 

Kathy Amidon (aka Amidumb) is one of the co-founders of the group known as the TeaPartyFireAnts aka #TPFA She along with her mentor Jack Cashill of Kansas City MO. who's aka @TP_FireAnts on Twitter have been running a donation scam since early January 2014 and possibly even before that.
It's a fact that Kathy has no real home of her own and is currently living with her sister in Elizabethton TN. (Ironic since its a well known fact her real name is Elizabeth). Long divorced, she's been living with family or friends for years with no visible means of support. Although she has worked periodically but just enough to keep her unemployment benefits active. However a monkey wrench was thrown into her long term plans when the Government failed to renew the unemployment benefits extension at the end of December 2013. 
So now, here comes the first week of January 2014. Donate buttons began to appear all over their so called " truth blog spot" which is a false narrative In and of itself. Then almost immediately, the tweets began to roll out stating => "THE TROLLS ARE FRIGHTENED OF A WELL FUNDED TPFA" was the cry! This fund raising campaign went on for weeks on end. You couldn't open up any of their links without a DONATE button hitting right in the face. The reality however was a well funded Kathy Amidon who's unemployment benefits had just run out. She checks the PayPal donations that have gone into her account on a daily basis and withdraws what she needs for "RANT"or rent Money (If she pays any) and cigarettes. Definitely cigarettes, to support her 2 pack a day or more habit. 
Kathy has stated to friends (that will remain Anonymous) that she feels TPFA FireAnts is her calling. If that's the case then let Jack Cashill support her. His wife has plenty of money! Either that or get a cup, stand on the street corner and panhandle. At least that'll get her off her ass for a while!
As a friend of mine Stan Hjerleid once said, "DONATING IS SERIOUS, be aware of where your money is going. Always check out the Organization and take nothing for granted. 
#GetaJobKathy #ProeCrapique #FireJohnBoehner #Benghazi 


cc:@jackcashill  @TP_Fire_Ants  @StampOutTrolls @jerome_corsi @JosephFarah @Applepieallgone @collieherder @wehavealready

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