My timeline against yours and Amidons' any day of the week "Proe."
Before anyone takes what Leo says seriously, he is unemployed as of about 6 weeks ago. MDJ did some "restructuring" and he "didn't fit in."
Before anyone takes what Jack Cashill says seriously, he states that he doesn't "know" Amidon, nor has he ever spoken to her. How does he explain the Tweet dated 19 Sept 2011? Cashill denied to "wnd" that he is, in fact, Pro(e)Graphique, yet that was his "user name" on Facebook until he was supposedly hacked, again in 2011.
As a "self-proclaimed" INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER, I would ask Cashill why he didn't call me? I have given him my number on numerous occasions, he IS writing about me and 7 friends who are, in his opinion, "Liberal Trolls" (as I walk out the door in my "Reagan Republican 2012" t-shirt to vote for a Republican Gov in the General election), to get the "other side of the story" thus making it a true investigative report.
Cashill also stated to wnd that he had nothing to do with the video. Yet, it is identical in content and "style" (the method he used to "prove" that Ayers authored Barrys' autobiography, "Dreams From My Father" in "Deconstructing...") to this "Cashill Control Casting Promo" by "Big Sky Digital" that is found on (shown here on YouTube:
I would also ask Jack and Leo HOW, in such a short period of time (Cashill claims he was alerted by a flood of clutter on Twitter a "couple of months ago" when, in fact it was less than 19 days earlier) he came to KNOW and TRUST someone as PRIVATE as the "bright, media-savvy" professional (25+ yrs) who goes by the name 'Proe?' Better yet, WHAT would make "Proe" trust Jack with all of HIS super-secret NYC Media contact information?
I have a theory about that: Where Cashill leaves off in the FRANK chapter in "Decontructing..." Proe pick up, without missing a beat on, IMO, Jack, "Proe" and @FrankMDavisJR on Twitter are one in the same. If they AREN'T the same person, then Proe needs to start writing FOR Jack as he's WAY BETTER at the bloviating bs than Cashill is (IMO, of course).
Except for me (it was my NAME that set the ants off "whose name is Snow White?" until I posted my daughters birth cert showing my maiden and my ex's name, then [crickets]) ALL of the "Liberal Twitter Trolls" used to "swarm" with Amidon & @FrankMDavisJR (before he was suspended for "Harassment & Abuse) until they started questioning their methods. What the "fire ants" call "swarming" is tantamount to "spamming." It's done min. by min., hour after hour, day after day to members of Congress who are trying to do the job they are paid to do via an Auto-tweet program.
There are phone logs of Amidon calling these "Liberal Trolls" time after time like she was just hitting hitting "Re-dial." On one occasion Amidon referred to @FrankMDavisJR, who she called her "special friend," as "Jack." When questioned, she backed up and said "Janson. I said Janson!" "No," she was told, " said JACK!" Subject changed, the call quickly ended and "that friend" is NOW a "Liberal Troll."
There are phone logs of Amidon calling these "Liberal Trolls" time after time like she was just hitting hitting "Re-dial." On one occasion Amidon referred to @FrankMDavisJR, who she called her "special friend," as "Jack." When questioned, she backed up and said "Janson. I said Janson!" "No," she was told, " said JACK!" Subject changed, the call quickly ended and "that friend" is NOW a "Liberal Troll."
I'll leave y'all with that info. I'm the Self-described Wiccan in Cashills' "article" and K.White or Snow White" in Leo's article.
Poor misinformed Leo. You should have done some "research" #dude! While I am a non-practicing Wiccan, I'm anything but "liberal!" BTW: I'm @kcsnowhite7 (it's my real name) on Twitter!
Poor misinformed Leo. You should have done some "research" #dude! While I am a non-practicing Wiccan, I'm anything but "liberal!" BTW: I'm @kcsnowhite7 (it's my real name) on Twitter!
Sidebar: This reads like a Blogspot post, not a Comment! Carry on.
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