A short post in a series demonstrating the hatred for
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members by Kathy Amidon. Amidon is the so-called "Face of the
Tea Party Fire Ants", a fake two person Tea Party group operating on
Twitter, YouTube and a free blog. This group has no contact information, has faked Tea Party events and posted false and misleading videos in effort to make itself appear as an active, real life Tea Party. The
Fire Ants have been repeatedly suspended from
Twitter for their horrible attacks on Conservatives, they just start over with new handles. The have declared war on us, a small group of Patriots, for no reason other than they don't want to be exposed. The most outrageous but entertaining claim they make is that
Twitter is
working with us to prevent their free speech! They have tried to make themselves appear as victims but that's simply not the case and we can prove it. We won't back down from their attacks and we will continue to tell the public about their lies. On
Twitter, they routinely call Conservatives "liberal trolls" and other awful names and have went so far as to call #
JusticeForBenghazi4 and #
PJNET, two active Conservative groups, "liberal trolls" (yeah, it gets old) yet they use the
PJNET hashtag daily because they are unable to bring in readers without it! The leader of the "group" is "Proe Graphique," a writer that used to be popular among the Birther crowd for his book on Obama and other books about wild conspiracies. Several media outlets confidently call him "insane." Both Proe and Amidon "worked" on
Twitter and
Facebook to get Newt Gingrich the Republican nomination. In doing so, they went after Mitt Romney and his church is a vicious manner. Amidon in particular was so cruel that she even posted things against the children of the church.
Their behavior helped elect Barack Obama in 2012. Over this series of posts, we will show you how Amidon actually aligned with Progressive and anti-Mormon groups to go after Romney. As of 9:00am EST on June 29, 2014, she is still a member of at least four such groups. Today we will simply show you a screenshot of her
Facebook Group memberships from today. She has already scrubbed a great deal of her content from
- Very top line shows browser is at Kathy Amidon's Facebook page.
- Next shows the url for Kathy Amidon's Facebook Groups page: https://www.facebook.com/kathy.amidon/groups.
- Kathy Amidon's name in the search line.
- Her photo, background and Groups page.
The total amount of
Groups she follows is 81. Again, many were removed in the screenshot to highlight the four groups we want you to see. They are:
- Dump Romney
- Mormonism...The Facts
- The Romney Experience
- Mitt Romney's Secret Plan for America
Other than these groups, which are bad enough on their own, we've discovered 28 anti-Mormon comments made by Amidon on various
Facebook pages. Most of them are pushing a video we believe was made by "Proe Graphique" and detailed in a post by KC called "
Thank You @TPFA_KathyA and @TP_Fire_Ants."
We're sure you will be as shocked as we were when you see not only the content of these groups, but by the hatred expressed by this "Christian" mother and grandmother. You'll soon see why she takes no issue with the violent, evil and dangerous way her partner behaves on and off
Twitter and why she is quite nasty herself.
God Bless America!
#TP4A True Patriots For America Forever
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