Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Comments on WND Article; Some Posted, Other Deleted

As of today, two defamatory article have been posted on One is by Jack Cashill and one is supposedly by a man name Leo Huhmann. The people in the article who were falsely attacked where never asked for their side of the story or to even comment. In addition, WND published an email that was sent to them in the strictest confidence without permission. In an effort to get the truth out, we will be printing the comments that have been posted and the ones deleted until the article is removed. Today I am adding several from me and we will add more later today. Some comments will be in screenshots.


Research indeed. Your account for instance. ALL "TPFA", all attacks and numbered auto-tweets 1-100. All the fire ants do is self-promotion. Both major conservative groups on Twitter have them blocked for a reason. Afraid WND has fallen for a very big scam thanks to Mr. Cashill.
NOTE: This, along with my other comments that have not been printed, will be screenshot and sent to Mr. Farah, Mr. Corsi and other people at WND.

TruePatAnna Janson Smithers • a minute ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by WND.

I must address the address thing. I know you will continue to believe that nonsense, however there is plenty of proof that didn't happen. The fire ants have tweeted the names, addresses and kids names of former members several times. They have also been threatening "the cops are coming" for well over a year. The reason Twitter has suspended their accounts and not ours is for ABUSE. There are copies of the suspensions and reasons but whenever I give the url for them, the magically get deleted. If Stan H. posted someone's address, he would have been banned from Twiiter. He is a great conservative with thousands of followers. You won't find anything but truth and love for this country by Navy vet Stan. Janson, if you are a real person and not just another "sock" account for the fire ants, you should be ashamed for not looking at the evidence, like the map story, and seeing what everyone else on Twitter see, these people are self-serving, anti-conservatives who just need to leave good conservatives ALONE! They get suspended for their awful behavior and just open another account. Really, if Twitter was going to go after conservatives, why would they go after a 5 member group with no followers? The fire ants actually claim Twitter gave us "secrets" about them and that they're "helping" us. Helping us do what? Tweet about conservative issues? If they would leave us alone everyone would be fine, but they're so busy calling anyone that disagrees with them "liberal trolls" they can't see they're burying themselves. EVERYONE blocks them! There's a reason. Watch for a few days. They tweet nonstop using bots about their "accomplishments", liberal trolls, look what WND published (because Frank/Proe is writer Jack Cashill who writes here without having his stories vetted-notice all the deletions in this story in just a few days-because they LIED and it was proven again), "Here's our video" which is nothing but a bunch of clips f ANYONE who has even tweeted the TPFA hastag (notice they don't follow them) and their form letters everyone got for the Benghazi investigation...just ENOUGH LIES! Just watch them, their true nature comes out eventually and then they get banned.
Leave us alone, Jack!

TruePatAnna • 2 days ago

Very shocked WND is allowing now TWO articles about this fake Tea Party group, Tea Party Fire Ants. Their reputation is a disaster. They have attacked #JusticeForBenghazi4, now they call #PJNET "Liberal trolls," it's insanity! Why? Because Jack Cashill IS "Proe Graphique" FrankMDavisJr, and now the newest one TP_FireAnts or whatever he's changed it to. Attacks on James Woods, Harriet Baldwin, Chuck name it, he attacks them. Check out their tweets. ALL self-promotion. For the record, everyone that helped on Benghazi got those letters. This "Tea Party" has no contact info, this guy is hiding because he doesn't want anyone to know he's Jack Cashill., they attack conservatives NONSTOP. There's PLENTY of proof of it. Check out the Twitter acct @TeaPartyPolice and look at the graphics. More proof on Twitter @TruePatriotAnna. We are having to screenshott our posts here now because they are ALL being deleted!
The victims in this article were never asked about what happened, nothing. They can prove how vile and nasty this fake group is. So can a huge amount of really respected and popular conservatives on Twitter but WND didn't bother to ask, they just accepted Jack Cashill's word and ran with it. They also, if you didn't notice, printed a PRIVATE email to WND without the writers permission. She's been a victim of this group for over a year and WND magnified it. They should have at least vetted this joke of a story. The second one that was written simply to promote these "Fire Ants." Find the truth for yourself! Ask around on Twitter, look at what they've done. ASK.

 TruePatAnna Janson Smithers • an hour ago

I've been exposed? You must be kidding! I'm not hiding. No one is. Did you read the retraction they issued to Harriet Baldwin and her comment here? Is she a "liberal troll" too? Ridiculous.
I hope everyone checks out their Twitter accounts, it is all self-promotion. If they would focus on helping the country rather than attacking good conservatives over and over again (now including Jerome Corsi), they would have no problem.

 TruePatAnna Whatsmyname2 • an hour ago

You're right. As for Woolery, he's a good conservative and has a enough of a public image that he garners some attention. To tear him apart (viciously) simply because he disagreed with their behavior (after claiming THEY got him his job as a reporter for a website) was crude and childish. Most of their antics are. They could do so much good yet choose to self-promote above all else.
You're absolutely correct about ignoring them, now, if they'd only return the favor!

TruePatAnna Proe Graphique • 43 minutes ago

Really? Then why don't any of those GOP members who support you follow you or promote you? They promote #PJNET and #JusticeForBenghazi4. Why? Because those groups are out to help the conservative cause, not help themselves. You were b*tth*rt because someone happened to have the same initials on their website? That's just silly! Who "owns" a hashtag? Who owns #TCOT or #TeaParty? Your accounts and website are PURE self-promotion. Conservatives on Twitter don't want anything to do with you and you can't stand that. You've made up lies over and over about people like Harriet Baldwin (see her comment above, she speaks the truth), a GREAT conservative, claim Stan Hjerleid, a honored Navy Vet, tweeted a map from Kathy Amidon's home to your home (totally nonsense and it was PROVEN yet you STILL make the claim) and the list goes on. If you would simply stop attacking conservatives, Another lie; you claimed that congress had already OKd an investigation of Twitter; a total lie. Why can't you just leave the people alone? Just tweet and stop taking everything as a personal attack. You're a bit long in the tooth for Jr. High games. The REAL liberals on Twitter are MONSTERS. There are PLENTY of them you can go after. Maybe if you left conservatives alone and stopped calling everyone "liberal trolls" you'd get somewhere because as it stands now, you are doing nothing good for anyone and making your four member group look ridiculous and petty.
NOTE: This comment will be screenshot and sent with the numerous other comments that were never posted and will be sent to Mr. Farah, Mr. Corsi and other WND employees.

TruePatAnna KMAN • 43 minutes ago

VERY true. Mr. Cashill (who actually wrote this article) has lots of power at WND and has chosen comments VERY carefully.

 TruePatAnna shjer00 • 31 minutes ago

Interesting that one of the victims of this witch hunt, Stan H., a very conservative Navy veteran, hasn't been ALLOWED to comment of defend himself here. Same with "Snow White," and "Clarence." Sounds like someone is too afraid the truth will come out.
No benefit of interviews, questions, the right to show they are true patriots?
Ms. Amidon, the TPFA hashtag does NOT "belong" to you any more than #TCOT or #TeaParty belongs to anyone. I also find it funny that you're suggesting people can open an "alternate" Twitter account without using their real names yet you and "Frank/Proe" have gone on and on about how the "liberal trolls" "hide behind fake names" (like, hmmm....Proe?)
The entire fire ant site is self-promotion. "Benghazi" is mentioned, if I recall, about 4 times yet "liberal troll" is over 30 times. The best one is "show us your accomplishments compared to ours" as if you have a right to demand that of anyone. The very successful New Hampshire Tea Party can speak to how vicious you are.
Until you stop harassing and attacking conservatives that disagree with your violent methods, you will continue to have no followers and very limited success. And attacking PJNET and JusticeForBenghazi4 is NOT helping your case.
NOTE: This comment and others that have not been posted will be screenshot and sent to Mr. Farah, Mr. Corsi and other WND employees.

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