One of the Tea Party Fire Ants favorite lies is that retired Navy vet and True Patriot Stan H. tweeted a map to Kathy Amidon's "unlisted" address. Not only is that a flat out lie, it's one that's simple to refute. Below is an original post from our website,
As you may or may not know, was started by a group of people brought together on Twitter while fighting for the truth to come out on Benghazi. In the process, some of us were sucked into what became a nightmare of sorts that called itself The Tea Party Fire Ants (FA). This phony "Tea Party" has played the con game for a long time and got away with it. Late last year, they were caught red handed lying about an event they claim they held that never actually occurred. Yet, they continue to solicit donations from their website, Benghazi Truth (that has almost nothing on Benghazi) and scam people into believing they're an actual Tea Party. While there's much, much more to say on the history of the #TPFA , for today I'll link you to a group of articles by Stan Hjerleid that will at least explain a bit.
Right now I want to focus on the Fire Ants (FA) favorite activity; lying. Most people on Twitter are aware of this, especially conservatives who have been the target of this bizarre couple of manipulators.
Initially known as @FrankMDavisJr and @KathyAmidon, they now go by @TP_Fire_Ants and @TPFA_KathyA and have many, many sock accounts. While spending a great deal of time simply plugging themselves on Twitter, they managed to get suspended for abuse for their scathing attacks on popular conservatives, all with lies. Our group was outraged when Mr. Hjerleid was called a Nazi by these low life's. Mr. Hjerleid is a true Patriot and Tea Party member/supporter. His Twitter account demonstrates his commitment to our country and his 12,400 followers agree. His "sin" was simply disagreeing with the FA's constant attacks on conservatives.
After returning from his suspension, "Frank" ramped up his rhetoric to an insane level. He added an article to his nutty blog featuring screenshots with claims that Twitter was conspiring with us to harass him and Kathy, and that Twitter "security" was in on it! He Photoshopped tweets (he brags that he's been in the "media biz" for 25 years and an "expert" in photo manipulation) to support his insanity. He even made the ridiculous claim that our website was infected with "1000's of viruses and Trojans!" and that "ordinary virus protection won't detect them!" While the folks at WordPress had a good laugh with us, we weren't really that surprised, last year they accused the website Twitlonger of carrying a virus to steer people away from an anti-FA post by someone that had been helping us!
The new claim is not just a lie, it's vicious and as nasty as any guttersnipe could be and it's another attack on Mr. Hjerleid. Here is their claim; from Twitter and from their blog:
They are claiming that that Mr. Hjerleid posted a map to Kathy Amidon's house, a complete and total LIE. Of course, they try to make it as salacious as they can..."He tried to hurt a WOMAN! He TERRORIZED a FEMALE patriot and hero!" Then there's my personal fave, "Haven't you hurt people enough?" LOL! What a crock of crap. If they'd been gutsy enough to be honest, something they can't seem to muster, they would have posted a few other things. For instance, here's the original tweet and the map that went with it:
On the Benghazi Truth blog and in several tweets, Frank has said that with the help of Twitter and by "hacking", we obtained Kathy Amidon's "private and unlisted address":
UTTER NONSENSE! Please do a simple Google Search on the name, "Kathy Amidon". One of the first entries is this:
Since several of our True Patriots worked with the FA in the past, and "Frank" is (was) anonymous, Amidon was the only contact. When you do that Google Search, you can see that the only two media contacts the press was given when the FA staged a "boycott" of Fox News (with fake statistics) were Kathy Amidon...and Stan Hjerleid. The media lumps the Tea Party into one group and this stunt by the FA made us look like total, unorganized asses with a rinky dink operation and a amateur website; Benghazi Truth. The former members knew she lived in Tennessee, her phone number, etc., there was no "hacking", but as you can see, lies come easy to these two. Speaking of which. The map was directions from the TOWN in Tennessee to the TOWN of Jack Cashill; Kansas City, Missouri, also public information:
There was no address given out, only the public information offered to anyone online who cares to look. Stan's departure spot and arrival spot are clear...except Frank blocked those out. You can still go to his original tweet to prove it for yourself if there's any doubt:
You can also look up where these are located, clearly not an address. They persist in pushing their false narrative in an effort to harm Stan Hjerleid:
The last one is really the golden question, isn't it? It helps to explain just how scrambled these two people really are. They think, "Twitter chose not to suspend or ban Stan so they must be working together with him to destroy our two man operation that's doing well...nothing!" That's quite the conspiracy. But, they don't call him the Biggest Conspiracy Nutjob On The Internet for nothing, right
We aren't demanding you believe us, or support us. We ask you to investigate for yourself. We have tons of information available that demonstrates the lies, corruption and just plain outrageous egotistical behavior by these animals and we invite you to ask questions. You ask it and we'll answer, it's that simple. And, watch his blog for a few days. Each time we nail them with telling a lie, the blog changes...a word here, a word there. When one of our group was asked recently why we have persisted for so long and to the point of "taking over" the #TPFA hashtag on Twitter, she pointed out our article, "More Shocking Behavior by 'Benghazi Truth'." These two people have actually asked for the GOP Oversight Committee to investigate their Twitter suspensions under the guise that Twitter, and TruePatriotsForAmerica, are trying to stop the free speech of conservatives (and/or Birthers according to one source) when they have need to focus on Benghazi. Does it get anymore selfish or disgusting than this? Hell, no. Benghazi Truth my butt. They are all about two things...Frank and Kathy, and we've had enough of that.
The photo from above is from an article on by writer jack Cashill. Cashill claims he just stumbled upon the FA because of tweets to his account. Below the article title and info is a small piece from the article where he makes the same claim regarding the map. Let me start by saying that I would have thought a man like Cashill was smarter than that. You can clearly see there was no address tweeted nor any laws broken (again - the very reason why Twitter didn't find any fault with Stan H.) anywhere. You might also note the title is rather unique, not so much if you're a FA since those two words are typed more by the "two" of them than any others. "Liberal trolls" has been used literally hundreds of times by the fire ants. Far more times than the word "Benghazi" which you'd think would be common for a website called "Benghazi Truth." A very old term to boot. Interesting choice for Cashill, no?
The lies and crazy claims in his article and a subsequent article posted on WND by Leo Hohmann, are too numerous to count. This blog will go into this further very soon (there are several posts already here by Kristen Snow White, one of the worst victims of the FA's.) It's pretty clear that Jack Cashill is, in fact, "Frank" and "Proe Graphique" and the so called "lead analyst" of the Tea Party Fire Ants. When we initially discovered his identity, everything fell into place; why his workhorse, Kathy Amidon is at his beck and call, why he was hiding out, etc. But we couldn't figure out why he behaved like a petulant little boy who lost his blankie. After careful analysis of his books by Snow White, it appears he's a classic narcissist who needs to be "the best" at whatever he does. It appears he's been somewhat shunned by the circles he was once a part of. Listening to him speak is far from what it was many years ago. It's almost heartbreaking...almost. The man behind the mask is a monster who is spinning out of control. Why else would he post such an obvious lie on WND using his real name and everywhere else as "Proe" or "Frank?" More soon.
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