...His Stupid Effing "Comments" are STILL on wnd.
Notice the usage of the SERIAL or OXFORD COMMA in his writings. It's old-school and Cashill uses it over and over and over again!
Normal comma: Red, white and blue.
Serial comma: Red, white, and blue.
Proe uses the Oxford-comma 15 times below (and "IMO" a whopping 20 times).
Before we get to the unedited comments let's talk about two things first: Proe is Cashill. Cashill is Proe.
How do I know this (serial/Oxford-comma aside)? I spoke to Cashill on 11 June 2014 around 3:45 PM PST. I asked him about his WND "article," and the statements made by Proe and quoted by him to which he responded: "I didn't speak to Proe, I only spoke to Kathy." I was like, "WHAT?" (Full transcript to follow.)
Admittedly, Pro(e)Graphique, @TP_Fire_Ants on Twitter, is a rather boring, mundane character who sticks to pimping out his BlahBlahBlahgSpot (this is where you will find all the lies, manufactured and out of context Tweets that do NOT show what was being replied to or when [if it showed the date, it could be verified using an app]), the 2 wnd fabrications (presented as PROOF because Jack Cashill/wnd said so) and most recently a YouTube vid titled: "Orwell's Obama." However, prior to being Proe, same dude was @FrankMDavisJR. Yes, this account was permanently suspended from Twitter for Harassment & Abusive behavior (you're welcome!). Yes, he's the shunned birther whack-job who uses "FBI Quality" (FREE) software to PROVE that FMD is, "in fact," Barrys' baby-daddy (see the chapter titled "Frank" in Cashills' book "Deconstructing O[Barry]: The Life, Loves, and Letters..." Proe pics up, without missing a beat, where Jack leaves off). Silly me, I thought you had to morph pictures of kids and then age them. Or, God forbid, use DNA testing to test with a 99.99999% certainty, but Jack...err...Proe, knows it to be 100% fact! I know you're dying to meet the Producer of "Orwell's Obama"
[drum roll plz]
[pause for effect]
Now on to the self-aggrandizing, egomaniacal comments Proe writes about himself:
Hidden war rages over your own words
Proe Graphique • 8 hours ago Leo is not stupid, Snow White IMO. Nor, dare I say, is Leo or anyone else at WND, if I read them rightly, afraid of you and your allies, IMO, pretending to be crazy to the point of dangerous to shut up your target victims on the one hand, and offering a way out by suggesting the people you do not like shut up voluntarily on the other. Screenshots of troll behavior is being continually sent to WND and it's [its] writers on a daily basis.This story being out in the media is nowhere near finished. Rely on it.- IMO the credibility of the idea that you could be a well-meaning Conservative was extinguished under the weight of your antagonistic cyber-bullying and threats to Kathy over a year long ago [my first encounter with Amidon wasn't until Nov 2013, I never "swarmed" with the ants!]. Indeed, you continue to publish "public information" which you think is a legal thing to do, but it is not because IMO any judge will see that your intention was always to cyber-bully and terrorize her, and intent is everything in the law.
Proe Graphique • a day ago Jack Cashill has already informed you of his relationship to this situation. The screenshots are not doctored, that's bull and 1,000's of people saw them in real time on twitter. Leo came to his own conclusions AND we sent him screenshots - one does not preclude the other. He saw your pals cyber-bully Fire Ant members and we gave he and Jack both a larger taste of what we have been through for 17 grueling months of your pals' threats, cyber-bullying and barely-veiled death threats.If you want to be left alone, all you need do is stop the insulting people and here and tell your pals to cease the pretty obvious cyber-bullying on Twitter. To see you now have the gall to play the role of woe-begotten victim, quite frankly, makes me nauseous. We went through 17 months of real hell because of those with whom you associate and Kathy was, IMO it is fair to characterize, truly terrorized with maps to her home posted, barely veiled death threats, endless attempts to humiliate her personally and alarming voice mail messages which, to hear them, IMO remind me of the Charles Manson cult and that's no joke. We look forward to WND continuing this investigation in larger and more explosive terms.In the meantime, if you and your friends don't want to be, IMO, brought up on criminal charges in a GOP House investigation, you can cut the cyber-harassment and cyber-bullying which everyone - including Leo and Jack - have seen first-hand in real time. Indeed, trolls have been cyber-bullying Jack, himself. If cyber-bullying as a crime is what I understand it to be, then that cyber-bullying all have seen is not opinion or theory. That is manifest, and it's a criminal activity, and now two WND reporters can be subpoenaed to testify along with countless others at such point that the House investigation has hearings, which frankly, IMO, seems certain.If you want to be left alone that's great. But don't expect to be left alone AND get the last word here because your friends started this. As far as you being a conservative woman, I know no conservative women in real life who attack other conservatives as you and your friends do the TPFA, and there can be no doubt by word and by deed that the Tea Party Fire Ants are politically VERY conservative. Just ask Rep Wolf. Leo did and Wolf's office confirmed we're legit and also confirmed the three thank-you letters sent to us for helping establish a Benghazi select committee, a committee about which liberals and democrats are not at all happy - an attitude on their part which was easy to predict.Once again I want to thank my fellow Tea Party Fire Ants. We had a great "swarm" on Twitter tonight calling awareness to issues to two different GOP congressional House committees; first, the need for the missing Benghazi Witnesses to be brought forth to testify, and second, the need for a House Congressional Investigation of Twitter safety and the apparent fair charge that it seems conservatives are victims of a culture at Twitter that suspends conservative accounts while allowing those that defame and cyber-bully conservatives to run wild and free to engage in what is plainly, IMO, gross criminal conduct. We have already gotten word that such a thing will be put before the House, but you can never press an issue this serious hard enough.My Fellow Tea Party Fire Ants, here's another salute to you. You're brave, you're determined and, simply, you're fantastic! IMO and that of many others, there would be no Benghazi Select Committee if your efforts had not been part of the events. That seems clear. SALUTE!Proe Graphique • 2 days ago TO the very excellent WORLD NET DAILY, Leo Hohmann, Jack Cashill (Proe high-5ing himself) Mr. Joseph Farah.20 hours ago in the below thread of comments one of the people in the report, "TruePatAnna", wrote this,***********
I would like to see ANY evidence of these statements from above;"Amidon said two things in particular cause
the trolls to “go out of their minds.” One is when the Fire Ants allege
that Frank Marshall Davis was President Obama’s real father."
And "The other thing that sets them off is when the Fire Ants present their
Twitter activism as a template for other activists to emulate."**********On the basis of this request from an apparent spokesperson for the people whom this report is in part about, I request that the screenshots they initially demanded be taken down be re-instated into the article, since it is clearly apparent the people in question have changed their minds on the issue of the inclusion of the screenshots which in part address the issues in the quote, above. If she is requesting evidence, the request is in-part addressed by those very screenshots. They should be re-instated since many of the people complaining say there is no evidence for what Leo claims, in-part, to have seen first-hand. First they demand the evidence be removed and then to, IMO, apparently attempt to sway public opinion they say there is no evidence. This game has gone on long enough. Please re-instate the screenshots so no one can say that there is no evidence to support Leo Hohmann's excellent investigative report.It should be noted that we felt Leo Hohmann was being very kind to the alleged trolls in question; he included maybe half a dozen screenshots as evidence. I know for a fact we sent him a 'modest sampling" of 150 screenshots, of including several tweets in each screenshot, amounting to probably images of over 200 tweets as a sample. We have hundreds of such screenshots. IMO those attacking the fire ants again, this time in the comment section of WND, should have their request for evidence honored. Absolutely.The people complaining about the screenshots of public statements being published can then make their complaints to Anna and SW and others who are demanding proof. These people made their statements voluntarily in an entirely public forum with the obvious intent that they be read by the public. By posting them in the exact form they were offered, IMO it seems to me that the Fair Use Act is absolutely appropriate in this matter.Proe Graphique • 2 days ago The comments being deleted here have nothing to do with me and are likely being deleted because they are likely in violation of WND posting policies which specifically do not tolerate flame wars and attacks against other posters. So far that rule appears pretty lax and they should be grateful some of these have passed muster.As far as what is posted directly beneath this post, it should be noted that the people posting are the among those reported ABOUT and are doing the same thing here that was reported of them on twitter: attacking people with whom they disagree using insults, innuendo and often flat-our defamatory lies, which is exactly what trolls do by definition; gain the confidence of players inside a group and then try to destroy those players from within. I find it stunning that these antagonistic, entirely unaccomplished nobodies are attacking best-selling author Jack Cashill and an outfit as prestigious as WND and accusing them of false and defamatory reporting. The story is what it is and the facts Leo presents in this article are not only accurate, but MANIFESTLY so. I am sorry, however, that WND took down the screenshots that PROVES some of these points since now that those screenshots are gone, the trolls, as you can see, are working their way into this thread making false accusations now that some primary evidence of their own words, offered by themselves, has been removed, and hope that WND does the right journalistic thing and reinstates those screenshots. The world has a right to see them publicly in the form they were volunteered to the world publicly by those same people, now obviously trying to cover their tracks to the world outside twitter of which they have no control.You can see what happens when you remove evidence of trolls - give them an inch and they demand a mile. It never fails. Remember, these people will never go away because it's clear some of them get paid to do this and if they stop doing it they can no longer pay their bills. Only orders from on high can get them to stop, and for that you need to reinstate the evidence which was removed. IMO no place should remove clear and fair evidence for ANY reason - all stories must rise and fall on their merits. Self-Censoring evidence is bad journalism. Once that begins everyone who doesn't like a story will be emboldened to demand it be removed and before you know it all you have left is the weather report.To see how trolls operate in greater detail, please go to the reported-repeatedly- by-major-media website (Yes, we have been attacked by Newsweek, The NY Daily News and others, and wear those attacks as a badge of honor) atFor more proof of the Fire Ants manifest conservative grassroots accomplishments, please read and compare that against the attacks you are reading against us in this comment section and elsewhere. We regard this article as a critical template for Tea Party activism success, not to boast, but in the hope that others follow our example; one group doing these things is effective, but not enough to win the larger political battle:We once again thank WND for its genuinely outstanding work on a matter long overdue and not remotely reported enough. Internet trolls are a scourge and are resulting in the cyber-bulling of everyone from conservative activists to athletes to war heroes, it has even resulted in suicides and it has to stop. We regret Jack Cashill, obviously a good man as well as a very fine writer, has gotten dragged into this, but we are also grateful; we have seen a dramatic improvement in troll behavior since WND started reporting about this and hope WND reports on this problem weekly - it seems to be a tonic to keeping the trolls at least initially under control. But from now on, keep the evidence in; Leo knew what he was writing about - he saw it all first-hand in real time, as did Jack, and neither are fools. They saw it. They KNOW.Let me thank my fellow Tea Party Fire Ants again; you have been through hell for the past 17 months with these trolls. Those of you who stuck it out under heavy attempts at humiliation and physical threats against you by the trolls are true heroes in every sense. It has taken true courage. This is especially true of Kathy Amidon, who has shown incredible bravery and determination when others folded under the poisonous and threatening - and almost certainly criminal (there are statutes on the books) cyber-bullying of the trolls.Remember, #TPFA on Twitter means the Tea Party Fire Ants! You're all heroes, and it;s an honor to serve at your side in this grassroots Tea Party organization.Here's to you:*Brisk Salute*Proe Graphique • 3 days ago Addressing the few calling the Tea Party Fire Ants a "fake" Conservative group: The Tea Party Fire Ants have a video of our MANIFEST (proven) activism and
achievement which Jack linked to in the name Tea Party Fire Ants.The way the trolls operate is to pretend to be conservative and then
denounce the effective conservatives - to operate like a cancer from
within the body, if you will. If you watch that video you will get a
sampling of our conservative activism and achievement. You can also go
here and read these articles (among others) on our blog which also attest to our very manifest activism for the better part of two years.People should ask those claiming that the Tea Party Fire Ants are not conservative what those attackiung TPFA they think the liberal end game could be if we successfully pushed for a Benghazi select committee, demanding that Obama release his personal records, that the mainstream media investigate Obama's now-[proven forged burth certificate, pushed for and helped get 119 co-sponsors on HRes442 to take Obama to court and spread the word through alternative media of "Obama, Free the Missing Benghazi Witnesses" and "Obama's birth certificate is fake" and led the only successful boycott of Fox News in that network's history demanding that Fox news turn RIGHT (also reported at WND)?! Someone please describe what our supposed "fake conservative" end game is if we have MANIFESTED done and achieved all that?And by the way, ask those attacking the Fire Ants what those same people attacking us have accomplished? CALL THEM OUT. The people who attack the Tea Party Fire Ants have nothing to show for themselves except a 20-month Twitter timeline of attacking the Tea Party Fire Ants. Ask them on Twitter what they have accomplished. We will be happy to tell you what we have accomplished and show you the pictures, letters and videos.You can follow the Tea Party Fire Ants by following @TP_Fire_Ants or better yet @Kathy_Amidon. Thanks to Twitter we have to re-build our accounts (and no we were not suspended for "abuse", that's absolute BS and comes from Troll Central, thanks), and can use more determined activists to keep getting the job(s) done. To those who have stayed with us, thank you. We're winning now. Big time. And it's been because of you.Proe Graphique • 4 days ago Please scroll down and read my responses to the people calling the Tea Party Fire Ants a "fake conservative group." If we are fake, then we must have some kind of crazy end game to explain all our MANIFEST conservative grassroots accomplishment. (Needless to say, the people accusing us of being fake are the same kinds of false flag libs doing here what they do on Twitter, so if you are not on twutter, you can get a good taste of what this article reports right here in this thread of comments)Proe Graphique • 4 days ago Harassed is the nice word for it. The actual term is ":cyber-bullying" and it is a criminal act with severe penal;ties. go to this article of the Tea Party Fire Ants' blog, and at the time are multiple screenshots of stories filed in the last year or so.They include rape threats, death threats, cyber-bullying in a few cases, resulting suicide. The world being what it is, we can rest assured that for each one reported, thousands if not tens of thousands never make the news services. Twitter created the universe in which this occurs, and like any similar aspect of society, as an obligation to police it. And police it they do - for the left. Go to the blog and see what has been going on with twitter and then do some Google research., heads of state have complained and threatened to sue Twitter. But only the US GOP House can do anything about it. This falls 100% under not only their jurisdiction, but on their shoulders as their obligation. I said it before and will again IMO if something isn't done, hundreds of thousands of lives will be ruined by Twitter which saw fit to place as its safely chief a college dropout who appears to have only ever held one job before twitter: a place called Perverted Justice which law enforcement has called "a vigilante group" and which has been accused of being nothing more than a group of trolls themselves who picked child predators because it was a way of - according to them, IMO - ennobling [?] the act of sadistic cyber-bullying. It's clear that twitter is WAY out of control y any societal standard and Congress needs to get in there because IMO it's clear that twitter has proven itself utterly incompetent and irresponsible in managing the system it created.Proe Graphique • 5 days ago My my my, look at all obvious libs saying, "No, Congress, don't investigate Twitter." It does not seem to matter to them that 1,000's of women are cyber-bullied, met with threats of rape and the like, every day. These same obvious liberals don't want to upset the one-sided political discourse apple cart is what we are seeing. Go to our Tea Party Fire Ants blog, www.benghazi-truth-blogspot.co..., look at the first and second pages of blog posts and you will get an idea of what's been going on. I have no doubt if these same people wanted to investigate any other information company or communication service, including Fox News - or World Net Daily (who we love) - they would see nothing but merit in spending the taxpayer money to do so. But mention to them the investigation of an outfit which by all appearances is deliberately crushing the free speech of conservatives regardless of how horrendous the methods of the trolls to do so, and suddenly to the liberals it's a matter of, "It's a private company" and, "Free speech is what it is" blather.Well I have news for you. The Tea Party Fire Ants are very friendly with several congressional offices and virtually the entire GOP House knows OF us by name and we have it on pretty good authority that there WILL be a congressional investigation of Twitter unless a few key people change their minds. I'll also tell you something else: cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking and cyber-harassment are all severe criminal activities with very heavy penalties to pay, that is what we have been seeing by the truckload on Twitter and that very much DOES fall on the shoulders of Congress to clean it up. The one-sided cyberwar of liberals on conservatives is over. I'm sure it was fun while it lasted, but it's coming to a close. Tell Alinski-ites and Sundsteiners and the like the jig is up. This is over.To see some of the Tea Party Fire Ants other accomplishments in a fun, fast moving video, please watch this and follow @TPFA_KathyA and @TP_Fire_Ants on Twitter.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
Discussion on WND
How Twitter empowers liberal trolls
Proe Graphique • 2 days ago New Hampshire Tea Party has attacked Sarah Palin among other conservatives - we have the screenshots. A false flag operation. You have seen the letters from conservative congressmen thanking the TPFA for specific accomplishments - not form letters. What has New Hampshire done? nothing except claim to be the "first" TP and that's bull. We were swarming when they showed up out of the blue to attack us while we were getting more co-sponsors for the House Benghazi Select committee which has come to pass - we have those screenshots, too. NHTP IMO is absolutely a 100% false flag op and they all do the same thing, with the same mantra in verbatim: attack TPFA claiming that we attack "real conservatives" when what we do in actuality is defend ourselves from the attacks of false flag ops who show up out of nowhere to attempt to derail our conservative work which all who follow us know - including many congressmen - is absolutely legit. Indeed, in Leo Hohmann's excellent follow up piece to this excellent one, Rep Wolf's office confirms we are legit and the letters he sent us are genuine.Tell NHTP to go take their false flag trolling to the ignorant who do not know the difference. Also tell them to go bash Sarah Palin somewhere else, too - the TPFA as a collective love her.Proe Graphique • 6 days ago Addressing the few calling the Tea Party Fire Ants a "fake"
Conservative group: The Tea Party Fire Ants have a video of our MANIFEST
(proven) activism and
achievement which Jack linked to in the name Tea Party Fire Ants.The way the trolls operate is to pretend to be conservative and then
denounce the effective conservatives - to operate like a cancer from
within the body, if you will. If you watch that video you will get a
sampling of our conservative activism and achievement. You can also go
and read these articles (among others) on our blog which also attest to
our very manifest activism for the better part of two years.People should ask those claiming that the TP Fire Ants are not conservative
what those attacking TPFA they think the liberal end game could be if
we successfully pushed for a Benghazi select committee, demanding that
Obama release his personal records, that the mainstream media
investigate Obama's now-[proven forged birth certificate, pushed for and
helped get 119 co-sponsors on HRes442 to take Obama to court and spread
the word through alternative media of "Obama, Free the Missing Benghazi
Witnesses" and "Obama's birth certificate is fake" and led the only
successful boycott of Fox News in that network's history demanding that
Fox news turn RIGHT (also reported at WND)?! Someone please describe
what our supposed "fake conservative" end game is if we have MANIFESTED
done and achieved all that?It is the people who are the lib trolls who are accusing us of being lib trolls who are the lib trolls and their big argument is that we 'attack conservatives' when
what we do is attack proven liberal false flag operations pretending to
be conservative. And how can you tell which is which? They post news stories all day long (a distraction) and attack people of accomplishment - keep the landscape safe for the left. We Tea Party Fire Ants get things done, have the congressional thank you letters, media reports (generally attacking us) and photos and
videos to prove our conservative activism and have the message the lib
trolls hate the worst: we want YOU to do the same things we do! You can
and IMO you should. Indeed, for America, IMO, you must.. The people who
attack the tea Party Fire Ants have nothing except a 20-month Twitter
timeline of attacking the Tea Party Fire Ants. Ask them on Twitter what
they have accomplished. We will be happy to tell you what we have
accomplished and show you the pictures, letters and videos. Those
attacking us will attack you for asking them the same question.You can follow the Tea Party Fire Ants by following @TP_Fire_Ants or better
yet @Kathy_Amidon. The trolls have scared away many TPFA members and
we can use more determined activists to keep getting the job(s) done. To
those who have stayed with us, thank you. We're winning now. Big time.
And it's been because of you.
OMG! This is hilarious! Are all these comments from just the two WND articles? WOW, he's very impressed with himself, isn't he? A "great swarm" on Tuesday night? With 6 participants, all known fake fire ant accounts? LOL. Doing "swell," Jack! (Thought he'd understand that word best given his age.)