Here we go with the "Congressional Review" crap from the two member Tea Party Fire Ants:
We are THRILLED, if this is true this time. Remember months ago they made this claim:
And who could forget this one:
Yes, you got it. Congress is going to investigate "Proe" and Kathy Amidon's suspensions from Twitter (I'll give you a sec to wipe the hysterical tears from your eyes.) They claim that Twitter is working with "us" to take away their free speech! Two articles on WND, a "big surprise" coming up this week (another article, by Jack Cashill? Maybe at American Thinker?) and still no results from the relentless attacks on Conservatives. Actual members? No. Mass exodus of followers from any of the True Patriots Twitter accounts? No (huge increases in fact.) Really, what the hell do they want?
It was established long ago that Jack Cashill has an ego the size of Missouri and New Jersey combined. Good thing there's family money to fall back on. Just where was Cashill during the Vietnam War anyway? Amidon has nothing to fall back on except the state and Social Security, which she's supposedly taking full advantage of. How do they say that? "Ah...but I digress." What do they want? They refuse to leave several people on Twitter alone as they've been asked. They have been publicly slapped down, hard, by Harriet Baldwin, an UNTOUCHABLE Patriot and conservative. No one gives a hoot about their claims, articles, blah, blah, blah. What will it take?
We're guessing they haven't really thought this through. See, all the colorful text and fancy fonts in the world won't save them from the TRUTH.
- No hiding behind anonymous names
- Twitter accounts of @FrankMDavisJr, @KathyAmidon (1-499), @KathyPrimadona, @T_P_FireAnts and all of the variations; all provided to Congress.
- Screen shots like some of the ones below
- IP numbers, including one from Tennessee going to HUNDREDS of times.
- REAL statistics, REAL members and REALITY in general
What is truly disturbing about this, aside from the obvious, is that there's possibly a Representative that's buying their bullshit. This rep is going to be beyond pissed off when he discovers the truth and we can't wait. The media will salivate over the "hilariously inept conspiracy theorist" getting popped as the unhinged, stark raving mad "lead strategist" of a fake Tea Party ("But...but...we have letters from reps!")
They've spent the past week orchestrating some new surprise. Surely it will be big. But will it be any more effective than the others? No. The bottom line hasn't changed. This small group of Patriots haven't broke the law, look forward to a Congressional review if it's true this time and whatever else they want to serve up. The Fire Ants will keep crowing like a bunch of loons. The biggest mistake they've made is to try and take on #PJNET. The man that runs PJNET and is fiercely protective of America and a true Christian Conservative. The Fire Ants have instantly made themselves Enemy Number One to thousands of Conservatives on Twitter. Their threats are thinly veiled:
Funny how they threaten them, then turn around and use their hashtag to gain attention! They know they have zero traction any other way so why not tag yourself on to the most effective Conservative group on Twitter? Notice all the retweets? No, neither did we. There are two, one from Kathy (they always RT each other) and one from a fake account. Big surprise. Mr. Cashill is obviously accustomed to making himself appear to be the Big Dog in the yard. In going after PJNET, he really is barking up the wrong tree. PJNET members are loyal Conservatives and won't take too kindly to being falsely accused of being "liberal trolls" but wherever there's a person who disagrees with the Mighty Proe Graphique, there's a liberal troll. Yawn.
We're setting up a master list of their real and fake accounts in preparation. In the meantime, you can check out the self-promotion that IS the Fire Ants at @TP_Fire_Ants and @TPFA_KathyA on Twitter. If you're a member of #PJNET, be sure to tell them to BACK OFF of PJNET!
Some screen shots of just a few of the past attacks on Conservatives and what REAL and respected Conservatives think of the Tea Party Fire Ants (aka TPFA):
Anna aka "True"
Addendum: Amidon, Cashill/Proe/Frank #Gah! Take FULL CREDIT for the #Benghazi Select Committee I have a difficult time with that. However, if they are going to make claims that they are so efficient, effective, organized, influential...yada, yada...Then they need to TAKE CREDIT for things that did NOT work out so well for America ~
~IMAGINE all of the time (1,000's of hrs) and effort ("swarming" nightly) for nearly THREE MONTHS AGAINST the GOP Nominee! How did THAT work out for AMERICA? You #Morons should be ASHAMED of yourselves...
If you are considering an #Alliance with TeaPartyFireAnts (#TPFA) THIS is what you're getting. Protect your reputation, maintain your integrity, turn tail, and RUN... ~kc
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