Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fire Ants for SALE ($Free!)...

...And Absolutely NO Returns!

Seems fire ants aren't very popular, we can't even give them away. We've had an infestation for quite a while, but one-by-one, sock-account by sock-account, they are being eliminated (metaphorically speaking) by their own actions in the form of Twitter suspensions for "Harassment & Abuse." One of them (KA) returns almost immediately after every suspension, it's like a twisted game of "Whack-a-Mole." However, her Twitter Followers don't seem to be as loyal as they once were and her numbers continue to dwindle.

I would say "I'm sorry," but I'm not.

The fire ants have proven themselves to be a very angry group, of about 4, each with at least one "sock" account. Their Modus Operandi (MO) goes something like this:

  1. KA sends anywhere from 1-5 auto-tweets;
  2. KA on a "sock" account Favorites then RT's each auto-tweet;
  3. From the "sock" account KA sends another 1-5 auto-tweets;
  4. KA back on its original account Favorites then RT's each of the "socks" auto-tweets;
  5. KA then High-5's itself and its "socks;"
  6. KA tells itself and its "socks": "YOU ROCK!"; Rinse and
  7. [Repeat] (Edit: This was written in April, now they each send out 100#'d Tweets! Just #smh...)
It's moderately entertaining the first  couple of times, then like their REAL ant-counterparts, it becomes annoying and unbearable.

"They" (consist of 2 "leaders" and about 2 loyal 'cult' followers) have a Blogspot titled "benghazi-truth." They use this as a repository for their so-called "accomplishments," everything BUT anything related to #Benghazi, a shitload of screen shots (SS's) and opinions that could not be farther from [pause for effect] the TRUTH.

Not wanting to draw traffic to their blog I'm not going to link it. But you, gentle reader, are more than welcome to put 2 + 2 together and make your way there if you so choose. What they did was manipulate and manufacture screen shots to fit their angry narrative. It's a Saul Alinsky tactic, one the current White House resident uses often but with a declining degree of success. As a card-carrying Conservative, I honestly don't understand how it's done but I have read the Prologue & Chapter 1 of "Rules for Radicals" and it's all about singling out the enemy. Then you tell a lie, make it BIG but keep it simple, repeat it often and your enemy will eventually grow weary defending themselves and shrink away into oblivion.
They tried their very fire ant best, but these Patriots will NEVER shrink away, bow or disappear into oblivion. Ever.

This [was] about ALL of the writing time they [were] going to get from me. What follows is the "Comment" I left, after the flat out LIES that were posted, in the form of a "TwitLonger." It sounded better in my head, except that I would have to redact every other word, as it was an expletive (!) however, here it is:
'Yo @FireAnt#1 & @FireAnt#2
You've been busy fire ants whilst suspended! How DO you keep track of all those screenshots? And WHEN do you find the hours in a day to put this kind of "investigative" masterpiece together?
First, @Xxxxius is "Safety," NOT "Security!" You posted everything about her that you could find using Google, looks like her attorney has his case laid out before 'em! Again:
Second, as a 25+ year "self-proclaimed" MEDIA EXPERT and "Proe" Blogger, you really should put your skills to better use and write articles for WND or AmericanThinker, maybe write a book about Barry (I ALWAYS call him Barry & the closest I come to referring to him as the person in the position he usurped is: pOTUS or pRESIDENT -- I loathe the humanoid, if THAT makes me a #LiberalTroll, we have very different definitions of "Liberal" [and "Troll" is SO 2005!])...I digress...
Third, do you realize that in 31 pages of screenshots and babble, on a "Blogspot" titled "benghazi-truth," #BENGHAZI was mentioned a total of 4 (now 6 with my 2) times? Once in the HEADER, once in the SUB-HEADER, once in your COMMENT above and once in the FOOTER. 31 pages! However, the passé term "Troll" you're so fond of, is mentioned a stunning 33 times (36 with my 3).
It's simple math, in the body of this 31 pg text: Troll 33 - Benghazi 0.
FOR ANY AND ALL CONSERVATIVES READING THIS, I WOULD URGE YOU TO: 1. CONSIDER the SOURCE (disgruntled Tweeter, shunned birther, failed author); and 2. QUESTION the OBJECTIVE..
They "rave" about their "accomplishments" yet they are now asking, you, THE CONSERVATIVES READING THIS to put additional burdens on Congress to INVESTIGATE Twitter because they were suspended for Harassment & Abuse. This, during a pivotal mid-term election year. (Edit: This was written prior to the announcement of the House [#Benghazi] Select Committee. Now the ants have amped up the pressure on Congress to start a full "Investigation of the Social Platform Twitter" by, ironically, asking their cult-followers and socks to TWEET their member of Congress! It's #smh and #LOL or...that's it. I #smh and #LMFAO at them!)
My suggestion to you, albeit unsolicited, is simple: Use Google, find out HOW TO appeal your suspensions. Then, have an Irish whiskey with a beer-back and chill out! If you put as much effort into getting to the bottom of the Benghazi massacre as you have into taking screenshots and name-calling, you might be worthy of a Blogspot titled "Benghazi-Truth." Seriously, at the age of 12, my daughter had a better grasp of composition and common-sense.. You? Not so much... ~kc
These ppl are WHACK @JackCashill! Maybe YOU can help them make sense of their BabblingBlogBullSh!t ~!! (Edit: This was written prior to the public outing of Cashill who IS ProeGraphique and DID write all this blahblahBlogBSh!t ~!! Addendum: While adding the .pdf link to Cashill's TL I noticed this dude, nearly 70, says: "Subud rocks!" That's what the ants and the socks say ~ a LOT...)
I've been back a couple of times, but I'm not allowed to "Comment" (boohoo) so the novelty is gone. However, in a FAILed attempt to make themselves look a wee bit shinier in their dark, disgusting underground Twitter-sewer, they made a couple of "changes" to the blahBlahBlog, thankfully I printed the ORIGINAL to .pdf so you to view at your leisure, without adding a "view" to their purchased count. 

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