This new TOOL commenting on all of PROEs "Comments" is a real PIECE-of-WORK. Far, FAR from "Conservative" and unlike any "Lady" I've ever known. |
Notice the usage of the SERIAL or OXFORD COMMA in "her" writings. It's old-school and Cashill uses it over and over and over again! ConservativeLady uses it 9 times!
ConservativeLady • a day ago
Ok, just for the sake of being thorough before backing a cause, I went to to see what was what. Now I don't do twitter much, but if even HALF of what the blog writers claim is true, then those they label trolls could, and maybe SHOULD be prosecuted. Also in the interests of being thorough, I contacted the writer and got a very polite, no, a professional response back to some hard questions. These folks, the Tea Party Fire Ants are a legitimate group. They have gotten demonstrable results, some of which are above and have a whole cadre of congresspersons who not only know these individuals, but completely support what they are doing.Now, on to what they label as trolls, yeah, that's pretty much what they are. Without touching on how, they have connected these people to dozens of fake accounts, and a whole slew of incriminating evidence that leads one to believe that they are part of an organization whose only goal is to thwart members of the Tea Party while SEEMING to be conservatives. You have to follow their trail across the internet, which most people won't do.... but when you do, and I have done it myself, it is blatantly obvious that they have an agenda and it has nothing to do with being or supporting conservatives who get results. The poster below my post, Kristen Snow-White is one of the top leaders of this group. And this "lady" is a piece of work folks. The alias trail this one has left on twitter and the blogosphere is one of pure vitriol.The Tea Party Fire Ants have a mission, and it is to reveal the truth about Benghazi, and the illegal activities that led to the death's of 4 Americans who were left out to die by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Those slurring them have a mission too, to STOP the Fire Ants. There are a LOT of very good reasons that WND is taking the side of the Fire Ants, and it is because they are in the right, being maligned and targeted on Twitter, and Twitter is helping - deliberately. I will not be surprised at all to see legislation come up in congress that deals with the behavior that Kristen Snow-White and her co-horts have engaged it. The fact that Twitter helps them in the spreading of their vitriol is something that directly impinges on free speech, and one that I will welcome some regulation of. Clearly Twitter isn't capable of playing fair on it's own.
TruePatAnna ConservativeLady • 7 hours ago
How many lies are in this post by "Conservative Lady?" Too many.So, you got a response from the writer, hmm? That's wonderful since no one mentioned in the article can. Seems to me to be rather one-sided.The Tea Party Fire Ants are a "legitimate group" OK, they have a free blogspot, NO contact information (except a PayPal, natch) no email contact info, no links to all of their "screenshots." These "congresspersons" do not follow their Twitter accounts, have done NOTHING except write standard support letters that tons of groups on Twitter have received. The "lead analyst" has no contact information, nothing.In totality, their "demonstrable results" consist of a couple of letters and that's it. But, let's pretend they're something more than what? Does that give them the right to attack conservatives who choose not to follow them? NO. Does it give them the right to post TWO attack articles, totally one-sided? NO. But they did.You say we're "trolls" and "liberals?" BY ALL MEANS...investigate! Dig through our tweets, compare our followers. Most of us have two accounts, my second one is @TruePatsForAmerica, PLEASE, investigate! WHAT'S YOUR TWITTER HANDLE? Our website, we haven't even mentioned it (unlike fire ants who can't stop mentioning their own site-typical fire ants: self-promotion) We recently started it so it's not that great yet. No, "Look at how great we are" garbage and guest posts from some really great conservatives.Where's their support? Your followers? Their followers? WHO are they? Are the "better" than ours? Why does it matter? Why would we give a care what you're doing? Of COURSE we respond to your attacks! If they had the GUTS to show what you've done to us and other conservatives, everyone would understand.You are a LIAR and I 100% believe you are "Proe/Frank/Jack" doing what you do best, making up fake accounts to boost yourself. PLEASE READERS, follow their trails, they all go back to the same small group of people. EASY to do.Just leave us alone! What do you want? Someone to say "Tea party Fire Ants are the best!" FINE! Your 4 member group is AWESOME! You're the BEST! OK?Now will you leave us alone? Somehow I doubt it.
Kristen Snow-White ConservativeLady • 8 hours ago
To ConservativeLady I would ask that you back-up a couple of your statements: First you refer to me as "one of the top leaders of this group." What "group" are you referring to?Second: "And this 'lady' is a piece of works folks. The alias trail this one has left on twitter and the blogoshere is one of pure vitriol." I am @kcsnowhite7 on Twitter and I have one "back-up" account, @IStandW_America with the screen name "TruePatriots4America" that is shared by those of us who have a website with the same name. You, on the other hand show up as having a "protected account" with 2 Followers and you are Following 4. That said, you sound an awful lot like Proe and if telling Amidon and Proe to "Shut up," is "vitriol," then I'm guilty as charged!Third, and last: The use of a "comma" before the word "and" is unnecessary. It's stylistic and archaic. It's also something that Jack Cashill does repeatedly in his writings AND the titles of his books. I find it very interesting, ConservativeLady, that you use it also.To Leo Homann you should do research before you call yourself an "Investigative Reporter." You quoted Proe stating that "he created the Tea Party Fire Ants hashtag 18 months ago." However, a simple search will show that a full 2 years and 5 months ago #tpfa was created, first used and continues to be used on Twitter by The Performance and Fitness Academy (http://www.theperformanceandfi... ) in Ireland. #Fact #dude! Again, if that's "vitriol," guilty as charged!
ConservativeLady Kristen Snow-White • 6 hours ago
Oooooooh its Queen Slug herself. Guess what. Your slug trail across the blogosphere speaks for itself. Yeppers. You be needin some truth salt!!
Kristen Snow-White ConservativeLady • 11 minutes ago
"Queen Slug? "...truth salt...?" Are you 12?In the "Fire Ant"-world that, like lemon-juice and vinegar, is called a "Death Threat." Bring it "Lady."When you grow up maybe you can address has been asked of you. You do know that's a "Liberal" tactic, correct? When you're lying and/or you have no valid answer or proof, you start name-calling. Again, cupcake: BRING IT!
Jenny Hatch
in my Kitchen...- Thanks for helping to expose online media bullying Jack! I have been pummeled by these types of people since first participating on the web back in 1996! The tactics are always the same and are particularly nasty towards Conservative Women. When it goes from online stalking, harassment, and spamming to real life stalking and bullying, that is when you know your message is truly threatening to someones money stream. I believe many of those who are full time bullies are indeed paid and given gobs of instruction in how to operate. They are very effective and frankly terrifying to those of us who are Moms just trying to raise our family.
NewHampshire Jenny Hatch • 5 days ago
You have just described what the TPFA do. We still can't figure out WHY they do it. Self aggrandizement?
Kristen Snow-White NewHampshire • 2 days ago
Cashill has quite the incestuous relationship with Proe and the FAKE Tea Party Fire Ants!Proe: You can call yourself "Conservative" all you want, but REAL people who work tirelessly for the REAL TEA Party will have NOTHING to do with you! Please, post the Dr'd Tweet from TeaParty_Net, they don't even FOLLOW you on Twitter! NO ONE with clout does!
ConservativeLady Kristen Snow-White • 13 minutes ago
You are a liar with an agenda there "Kristen".That said, you fit right in at Berkley.
ConservativeLady Kristen Snow-White • a day ago
Heya "Kristen". Or should I say Ms. Twitter? Either way... guess what??You aren't half as smart as you THINK you are... but your M.O. does leave a trail. Just sayin.... Ain't the Way Back Machine just the BOMB??? Ummmhummmmm.So, just curious, you make it to the World Naked Bike Ride on March 8th? I figured that would be right up your alley.Cheers.
- And yes, cupcake, the WayBack Machine is the BOMB!
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